14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Kick-off meeting, December 14, 2010 Robert Babuska Intelligent Control & Robotics Delft Center for Systems and Control Faculty 3mE Delft Robotics Institute
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute ______________________________________________________________ 1. A quick introduction round (all) 5 min 9:00 2. Mission of Delft Robotics Institute (Robert Babuska) 10 min 9:05 3. Presentation by Karel Luyben 15 min 9:15 4. Duwind (Gijs van Kuik) 10 min 9:30 5. Presentations of participating groups 60 min10:30 6. Break - coffee, tea, refreshment 15 min10:45 7. Valorization opportunities (Richard van der Linde) 10 min10:55 8. Next steps (Robert Babuska) 5 min11:00 9. Discussion (all) 15 min11:15 Goals & Agenda Goals of the meeting: Introduce the members & their research areas Start working as the robotics community at TU
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Introduction Round
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Robotics – State of the Art high speed, accuracy, repeatability in structured environments - fully preprogrammed robots, no collaboration with humans some success in telerobotics / haptics - Da Vinci surgical robot, training of medical personnel so far, little impact in domestic and service applications - cleaning, home assistance – so far simple, naïve solutions Challenges autonomy and shared autonomy (robots collaborate with humans) adaptability to cope with unstructured environments intrinsically safe human-machine interaction
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Essential needs adequate sensors, perception, actuators dexterous hands and safe manipulators advanced control and planning under uncertainty skill learning and transfer, and more … Robotics is highly interdisciplinary: with strong interdependence between different areas Substantial progress only possible if different areas are advanced in a coordinated fashion! Important constraint: performance at reasonable price.
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Outlook In 10 years the technology will be ready to make a major step forward in using robots outside the narrow range of today’s applications. We need to invest now! Positive short-term effects: New high-tech companies Job opportunities Technological impact on other industries Long term: robotics is an essential technology to address pressing issues of the mankind ageing society (lack of labor, quality of life) depletion of resources in accessible locations transportation and logistics saving energy, costs, improving quality
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute TU Delft Currently: Strong research groups in many of the constituting areas, such as: - bipedal locomotion - advanced control - human-machine interaction - multi-agent systems -…-… Impact of publications, prizes, Veni, Vidi grants, etc. but, so far collaboration on an ad hoc basis, the potential not fully used yet limited impact on industry international impact can be increased as well - academic impact - contribution to roadmaps, new research programs - European and other international projects
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Tight scientific collaboration between different disciplines, common goal Community with focus, complementary with other Dutch universities Major academic impact Coordinated approach to fund acquisition, incl. strategic funding by TU Strong link to high-tech industry in the region Joint contribution to education – BSc projects, robotics minor, MSc Delft Robotics Institute
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Participating Groups 3mE Biomechanical Engineering Precision and Microsystems Engineering Delft Center for Systems and Control EWI Man-Machine Interaction Embedded Software Software Engineering Pattern recognition Electronics Research Lab LR Control & Simulation TBM Moral Philosophy and Technology Systems Engineering Section ICT IO Mechatronics Physical Ergonomics BK Hyperbody 14 groups, 32 staff, about 30 PhD students (est.), more than 20 robotic platforms, software tools and demonstrators (incl. TUD Science Center), …
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Mechatronics and bio-inspired systems – mechanics, sensors and actuators Real-time perception – vision and other sensory inputs, making sense of data Cognition and human-machine interface – high-level cognition, awareness, interaction Intelligent control, adaptation and learning – task planning, control, adaptation, self-improvement Embedded systems, hardware and software – software and hardware architecture Multi-agent and distributed robotic systems – communication, negotiation, swarms Suggested Thematic Clusters
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Healthcare, rehabilitation and healthy life support Home and office (services) Agriculture and industry Exploration, off-shore, deep see Logistics and transport Will not work on all simultaneously, need to select a common case to start with. Application Domains
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Industrial interest (potential) Connects to some of the major TU themes and external events Expertise available at TU Fits interests of as many as possible participating groups Fits in the long-term vision of the Institute Join competitions (e.g., Some possibilities: - service robot, butler, caring assistant - underwater robot (cleaning, welding, etc.) - rehabilitation / exoskeleton - exploration, search and rescue robot - agriculture / greenhouse robot Common case
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Questions, comments?
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute Work out the common case Define the clusters in terms of content and participation Establish a steering group for the Institute one representative per faculty (full professor?) Richard van der Linden Robert Babuska Short-term goal – define a plan of substantial volume to be presented to the university board. Next steps
14 januari 2011 Challenge the future Delft University of Technology Delft Robotics Institute To do list