EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Sustainability via Energy Efficiency - The efficient energy management in the graphic arts industry Data and facts from the EEEI project MEDIAPRO-IP LECTURE 1 - WEDNESDAY 9 JUNE 2010 Dr. Anastasios E. Politis AthensTEI AND HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 EEEI Project facts Programme: SAVE – innovative approaches industry Removing barriers to energy efficiency Promoting reduction of energy use and costs of SME’s Supporting SME’s with energy tools, consultancy and training Duration: till Budget: EUR (EU Contribution: 50%) Coordinator: Energy Experts International 2
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March eeei Project partners ATEI - Athens technologiacl Educational InstituteATEI - Athens technologiacl Educational Institute Bergische Universität WuppertalBergische Universität Wuppertal ENERGO GROUP AEENERGO GROUP AE Energy Experts InternationalEnergy Experts International ENVIROSENVIROS Handwerkskammer MünsterHandwerkskammer Münster Heves Country Chamber of Commerce and IndustryHeves Country Chamber of Commerce and Industry KVGO DienstencentrumKVGO Dienstencentrum
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Project Website ( 4
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Project Objectives I Enhance awareness on energy and environmental issues Establish in-depth knowledge about energy efficiency within the European Graphic Arts and Media Industry Eliminate still existing barriers concerning efficiency improvement Tailor tools exactly fitted to the graphic arts and media sector 5
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Project Objektives II Enable direct annual emission and costs reduction Reduce the CO ² output about 2.500t and save an overall sum of € in energy costs including ~100 SMEs 6
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Project Activities EU and Country-wide Inventory –Regulations and Tasks –Energy Consumption –Questionnaire Evaluation Tool generation EU wide Workshops Final European Conference 7
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Energy management issues for the graphic arts and media companies Specific energy matters for the companies. Production cooling / heating. Energy consumption for compressors. Energy reduction for “stand-by” production operations. Energy consumption for VOC cleaning. Use of renewable power resources (solar and photovoltaic systems, windmills etc.) at company level. MAIN ISSUES: Energy use, consumption and costs remains often “hidden”. Energy consumption and costs are not taken as important by the company.
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Awareness of graphic arts companies on energy and environment issues Survey among companies in the 5 project countries Structured questionnaire with 22 questions in 3 main fields: General and specific on energy use, cost and consumption Management and energy strategy within the companies Aims for energy efficient management Answers from 67 companies in the 5 countries
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Classification of graphic arts companies within the project Sheet-fed offset Web-fed offset Flexographic printing Gravure printing Silk-screen printing Digital printing Book binding
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Results: Q - Structure
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Results: Q - Structure
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Results on graphic media companies from the survey
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Classification of the companies according to the use of printing technologies
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Conclusion questionnaire evaluation There are very imbalanced starting points in the EU concerning the European Graphic Arts Industry that should be balanced by the EEEI- project as far as possible. There seems to be more consideration concerning energy consumption and management in companies with installations on web-fed offset and flexible packaging printing than in companies applying sheet-fed and digital printing machines Research on new communication concepts is available 15
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Main Conclusions European Synthesis Report SME’s are only able to participate in new media markets to a limited degree New management, production and service concepts can only be presented by full service SME’s Optimized energy efficiency and environmental protection are becoming increasingly important Reduction of energy consumption is a management issue and not only reducing greenhouse emissions 16
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Main conclusions European Synthesis Report (2) Innovative approach, combining the visualization of the often hidden use of energy and the provision of the technical know-how to reduce energy consumption, with the necessary management structures One way of achieving these goals is via operational ecological key data. It will be advantageous to compare the key figures of different companies and to do a benchmarking. 17
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Main conclusions of European Final Synthesis Report (3) Our creation of specified key data and indicators leads to optimized procedural methods for the intelligent use of energy, including adapted management tools. It is important to develop no or low-cost energy efficiency measures, because these could be initial impulses for further activities. Transparent key data, indicators and a list of measures are needed to achieve the precondition for establishing changes, required in SME’s to apply an energy efficient management. 18
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 European Synthesis Report Graphic Media
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Energy Benchmark Analyzer Graphic Media - E-BAG Tool 20
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Generic company data 21
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Generic Company data (2) 22
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Company Energy Benchmark 23
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Company Energy Report 24
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March Industry Company Awareness tool company Generic benchmark tool Specific benchmark tool Measure list No Satis- fied Dissemination Experiences Dissemination Results Yes Consultant Awareness tool industry
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Number of companies in Benchmark 26
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Results I: well-informed companies on energy management in the 5 project countries Results: Q - Analysis
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Results ΙΙ Bigger companies are in general better informed on energy management issues. Packaging printing and web-fed offset companies are also better informed on energy management issues. A large number of companies is nor aware about energy costs in the company (this is the case in Greece). Energy efficiency management appears as a necessity for micro and small graphic arts companies All data are located in the European Synthesis Report Graphic Media),
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Issues for management and actions on Energy efficiency from graphic-media companies I More information on energy matters is required since energy is not amongst their main concerns. No staff member for handling energy matters. No energy saving information provided to the staff. Certain companies have developed loose (non systematic) energy saving measures. Energy consumption is indeed a matter on machinery investments EMAS certification is known to some of the companies but only one of them is EMAS certified. ISO certification is widely known to the companies. Many companies intend to develop either EMAS certification or ISO certification.
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Issues for management and actions on Energy efficiency from graphic-media companies II Companies are generally NOT aware on yearly energy consumption and costs. Lack of awareness on the issue of energy consumption. Energy costs are included in general expenses and are not associated with production output. Difficulties in providing information about total energy consumption per amount of production volumes. Getting specific consumption values concerning energy from companies: A difficult task The expressed interest on efficient energy management needs to be turned to real actions.
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Lessons learned from pilot companies on Energy efficiency Energy savings has a good potential in the graphic arts SME’s Energy should be certainly a matter of daily practice in the companies Energy should be a matter of management within the company operation. Application of a system for environmental management Certifications according to EMAS / ISO Energy as an important factor on investment decisions.
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 The Challenge for awareness and concrete actions from the European Graphic arts and media Industry for the reduction of energy consumption Together we can make graphic media industry proud for its responsible commitment for a better environment and use of less energy recourses … … a necessity for our common future!
EIE/06/075/SI From January 2007 to March 2009 Thank you very much for your attention! Dr. Anastasios E. Politis 33