MAINSTREAMING DM INTO DEVELOPMENTAL PLAN All new Projects/ Programmes will mandatorily have DM resilience inbuilt (at times of conceptualization itself). Planning Commission and the Ministry of Finance to give approval to the projects only if disaster resilience self certification is provided. Ongoing Projects to be revisited to include disaster resilience audit. Infrastructural loans to be sanctioned by the Banks only after due diligence on DM resilience audit. Existing Lifeline Projects to be selectively revisited and retrofitted. Reporting Item in the National Development Council – the Highest National Planning Body.
DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PROGRAMME (2009-2012) GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Reduction Programme (2009-2012) formulated by taking into consideration: National DM Act 2005; Eleventh Five Year Plan Priorities; Hyogo Framework for Action; Lessons Learnt from DRM.
DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PROGRAMME (2009-2012) Strengthening institutions for disaster risk reduction. Develop capacities for Risk and Vulnerability Assessment. Build capacities of stakeholders for early recovery. Risk reduction in urban areas.
Status of Implementation of DRR Project Proposed Activities as per the State AWP 2010 Status of Progress 1 State Level Project Initiation Meeting organised held in all the 26 states 2 State Level Advocacy Workshop/Meeting on mainstreaming DRR State Level Workshops held in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Mizoram, Tripura, West Bengal 3 District Level Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Initiated in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Kerala, Mizoram, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal 4 Training of District Level functionaries on preparation of DM plans Training conducted in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Delhi, Mizoram, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, West Bengal 5 District Level Advocacy Workshop/ Consultation Meeting on mainstreaming DRR Workshops conducted in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Mizoram, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, 6 Training on NGOs, CBOs and CBRDM Training conducted in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Mizoram Orissa, Kerala, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttarakhand 7 Training of PRIs on CBDRM Training conducted in Assam, Andhra Pradesh ,Kerala, Orissa, Tripura, West Bengal, 8 School Safety Initiatives Activities ongoing in Assam, Delhi, Mizoram Orissa ,Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Uttarakhand West Bengal 9 Setting up of GO-NGO Coordination Mechanism at state level/Inter Agency Coordination Mechanism Work in progress in Assam, Mizoram, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura, West Bengal
Status of Implementation of DRR Project 9 Training on Post Disaster Damage and Need Assessment No training programme conducted yet at state level. 10 State Level Consultation Meeting on strengthening of TL Regime Consultation meetings held in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Kerala 11 Training Need Assessment Need Assessment Workshop conducted in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Mizoram 12 State Level Training of trainers Programme on DM Training Programmes held in Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal 13 State Level Awareness Programmes organised Awareness Programmes organised in Assam, Delhi, Kerala, Orissa, Sikkim, Tripura, Uttarakhand, West Bengal 14 Preparation of Model Taluk Level DM Plans and Village DM Plans Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Odisha, Uttarakhand ( work in progress) 15 Mason's Training Programme on Hazard Resistant Construction Technology Initiated in Tripura 16 Setting up of a Knowledge Centre/Resource Centre/ Website by SDMA Tripura, Assam, Tamil Nadu (Work in progress) 17 Updation of District Level Plans ( ongoing/completed) Work in progress in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, West Bengal 18 Women Master Trainers trained on Search &Rescue and First Aid Training completed in Assam 19 Mockdrills Conducted Mockdrills conducted at district and village level in Orissa 20 Training of State Disaster Response Force Training of SDRF in Mizoram 21 Development of Preparedness and Response Plans in slum pockets Delhi ( work in progress)
ONGOING ACTIVITIES AND MAJOR INITIATIVES NATIONAL CYCLONE RISK MITIGATION PROJECT (NCRMP). World Bank Project : Rs. 1496.71 Cr. (308.6 Million US $). Phase – I : 2 States (Finally 13 States/ UTs). Agreement Signed with the World Bank on 14 January 2011. Project being launched shortly. NATIONAL EARTHQUAKE RISK MITIGATION PROJECT (NERMP)(Rs. 1850 Cr). Pilot Project for School Safety (Rs. 48 Cr). National Disaster Information and Communication Network (Rs. 986 Cr). Creation of National Disaster Response Reserves (for 400,000 Personnel, including 150,000 Personnel for Hilly Terrain) (Rs. 229 Cr).
CAPACITY BUILDING Capacity Building Project (in Partnership with IGNOU) and Ministry of Rural Development. States. : 11. IGNOU Districts. : 55. Training of PRI/ ULB Representatives. : 12,375 (225 Per District). Training of Government Functionaries. : 4,125 (75 Per District).
PANCHAYATI RAJ INSTITUTIONS IN DM Training in State Institutes of Rural Development and National Institute of Rural Development for PRIs is under active planning – with Ministry of Panchayati Raj. Awareness Generation and Preparedness through PRI Training Institutes. Disaster Resilience ensured in their Projects. Note: Similar consultation is in progress with Ministry of Urban Development for Training of Urban Local Bodies.
Partnership with Corporate Sector through Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Private Partnership. NDMA has written to CEOs of all major Business Houses. Positive response. Modalities being finalized with help of IIM Ahmedabad. FICCI, CII, ASSOCHAM, PHD Chamber of Commerce and NASSCOM etc. being consulted. Through interaction with States. Corporate Disaster Resource Network.
Mock Exercises (Districts & Schools) Conducted so far. : 260 (including 82 Schools/ Colleges). Community and First Responders Sensitized/ Trained. States/ UTs Covered –35. Districts Covered – 94. Exercises Conducted on – all Natural Disasters, Fire, Man-made Disasters and School Safety. Commonwealth Games (All Competition/ Practice Venues, Games Village & Places of Stay) Conducted. : 60. Mock Exercises planned for 2011-2011: 100 (including 48 in Schools) Delhi Metro, 26 March 2010 Flood, Bellary, 14 Sep 2009 Cyclone, Porbander, 19 Jun 09
INSARAG EXERCISE NDMA is conducting an International Exercise on Earthquake in Agra, India from 03 to 06 May 2011 under the aegis of INSARAG and OCHA. The details of this exercise have been hosted both on NDMA and INSARAG websites. All countries, specific from the Asia-Pacific Region have been invited to participate. In India, all States which fall in seismic zone IV and V have been invited to nominate managers at District and State level to participate.
STATE OF THE ART TSUNAMI EARLY WARNING SYSTEM BY INCOIS After Tsunami in December 2004, the Government of India decided to put in place an Early Warning System for providing alarm, watch and early warning of such oceanogenic disasters. Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad is the nodal agency for this early warning system. The Indian Tsunami Early Warning System comprises a real-time network of seismic stations, Bottom Pressure Recorders (BPRs), tide gauges and 24 X 7 operational Tsunami Warning Centre to detect tsunamigenic earthquakes, monitor tsunamis and to provide timely advisories to vulnerable communities by means of latest communication methods with back-end support of scenario database, vulnerability modeling and Decision Support System.
SAFE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION IN BANK FINANCED CONSTRUCTION NDMA is also now in the process of recommending to Reserve Bank of India (RBI) a compliance friendly but nonnegotiable Guidelines on how to ensure incorporation of disaster resistant features in the actual construction of loan-financed assets before the loan is sanctioned/disbursed. Mission for mainstreaming safe building construction into bank loan schemes has been taken up by NDMA as per the recommendations made in NDMA Guidelines on Management of Earthquakes and Landslides. After continuous insistence from NDMA, RBI has issued advisory to banks for ensuring disaster safe construction practice (as per NBC, 2005) in the loan based building construction. However, such initiative of RBI is found to be not compliance friendly. Therefore, a simplified guidelines/check memo for disaster safe construction will be facilitated to RBI for circulation among banks. So far, the first draft guidelines on above has already been circulated to RBI for their observation.