ePortfolio and Personal Development Planning Richy Hetherington Development Coordinator Simon Cotterill Senior Research Associate
Today’s session Why do you need this stuff? A very brief history A quick demonstration of how the systems work Some time for you to try using the system and doing some self-assessment Identify sources of help and support for your development The opportunity to ask questions at any time
Number of research students and vacancies Number of students studying for a doctorate have doubled in the last 12 years Vacancies remain relatively constant
A changing employer environment Competency Frameworks Appraisal and feedback Performance Management Self Assessment
Roberts’ Report 2002 “Many employers do not initially pay those with PhDs any more than they would a new graduate, viewing the training (particularly in transferable skills) that PhD students receive as inadequate preparation for careers in business R&D.” “Institutions are not adapting quickly enough to the needs of industry”
Joint Skills Statement & Recording UK research councils devised a list of skills research students should gain The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) adopted this list and made it a requirement that research students should be able to record these skills
Research council Joint Skills statement (A)Research Skills and Techniques: validate problems, critical thinking, a knowledge of recent advances (B) Research Environment: broad understanding of context,. confidentiality, ethics commercial exploitation of research (C) Research Management: effective project management (D) Personal Effectiveness: self-discipline, motivation, and thoroughness (E) Communication Skills: promoting the public understanding (F) Networking and Teamworking: In the institution and the wider research community (G) Career Management: Commitment to continued professional development
ePortfolio has been developed so you can... …record your research progress …plan and monitor your professional development (PDP) …reflect upon the skills you have gained
Booking sessions and Evaluation
ePortfolio (Research Training Portfolio - Online)
Recording Achievements Awareness of transferable and specialist skills Promoting your role in actively developing your research skills -- be more effective during your Masters / PhD -- broader research & transferable skills for your career Express your skills and relate them to potential employers About the ePortfolio Portfolio: Designed around Roberts Review & Joint Skills statement Supports Annual Progression Portfolios
“We spend more time planning our holidays than we do planning our lives !”
Postgraduate Training Programme -Workshop Booking System (FMS) Via: Feeds attendance records into ePortfolio
Secure access from a range of locations Sharable / facilitate interaction Transportable (take the data with you when you leave) Multi-purpose eg. formative & summative = reduced duplication Highly customisable Multiple structures / views Easier cross-referencing Reduced admin Not left on the bus ! Portfolios: why do it online ?
If you didn’t already do so register for this workshop on the training programme pages: Log on to the portfolio: Spend some time exploring each section. Add a few records to your CV. Questions / Issues ? Workshop Task #1
Personal Development Planning Cycle During your research, it is important to.. Identify gaps in skills and knowledge Identify opportunities to develop experience Set goals and targets and get involved Record what you did, how you did it, skills and knowledge used and the final result Review progress regularly and use progress meetings to cover professional development
Self Assessment/PDP Levels of Competence Unaware You know nothing about this skill Aware You are learning formally and informally about the skill. Informed You are ready to look for suitable opportunities to practise this skill CapableYou are now using the new skill routinely, and aiming to improve by other methods. RecognisedExternal recognition of your competence
Evidence can be drawn from… Research & Development Programme Work experience Interests Conferences – posters, presentations Committees and societies Academic awards & funding success Professional courses (UK Grad, sponsors) Publications – research articles
- Self Assessment/PDP Have a look at section F - Networking and Team-working Working with others Understanding teams Giving and receiving feedback Assess your current skill level and record what you might do to develop further. If you have scored ‘recognised’ for each skill, you should list evidence of what you do/have done to achieve this level of competence. Workshop Task #2
Sources of Support Supervisor(s) and tutors (Graduate School) Postgraduate Student Development Programme Careers Advisers and information staff Professional bodies and networks Graduate Connections Employers/Sponsor Your own network - other students
Resources Researchers’ Handbook Professional bodies Research Councils Careers Service Prospects Vitae (UK Grad)
Careers Service 2 nd Floor, Armstrong Building No appointment required – just call in! Advice & Guidance available Monday to Friday 11am – 4.30pm Open from 10am term-time and vacation
1 2 3 Submitting your Annual Progression Reports Online Complete the Annual Report form Once you have been given a deadline for your annual report you can submit it electronically via your ePortfolio (log on with your standard University username and password). Select ‘Progression’ from the left- hand side menu. Add your Evidence Submit The Annual Report form