Step 1 Select good to buy Step 2 Select quantity to buy Step 3 Click “Buy” to purchase the item selected Remember, prices will change over time Step 4 Click “Close” when done buying items To buy infrastructure components (“goods”), select the Buy Goods menu option under Markets and the following window will appear: You can repeat steps until you are done buying goods Markets -- Buying Goods
Step3a To remove an item from the list of “Items for Sale”, highlight the desired item and click “Remove” Watch prices in the market Step 1 Select item to sell Step 2 Click “Add” to add item to list of items for sale Step 3 Select quantity to sell and set selling price Step 4 Click “OK” to post items for sale Cover your variable costs You might first consider producing goods of different quality levels To sell your services, select the Set Selling Prices menu option under Markets and the following window will appear: Markets – Selling Services
Private contracts can be made between component manufacturers (sellers) and buyers (both component companies building infrastructure and service companies) to circumvent the public Goods Market. If a manufacturer has not prior contacted a service company with a proposed contract, the service company can send an to the component manufacturer to request that a contract be arranged. All contracts are good for 1 operating period in the game (6 months). See “Contracts - Accepting or Rejecting Received Contract Proposals” (the following section) for more information. Contracts Explained
A company can check to see what contracts have been offered to it by selecting the Received menu option under Contracts. When doing so, the following window will appear: Click here to “Accept” the contract Click here to “Reject” the contract completely Click here to “Reject” the contract but continue negotiations Click here to make no decision and leave the proposal open Contract Operations