DemoSat III Launch Readiness Review - July 29, 2005 Presented by: David Gooding Erik Andersen Anna Vigil Matt Elsner Al Crawley
DemoSat III Mission: RoverSat Weight Specification Weight Specification 1.85 kilograms (allowed 350g extra) Box must open independently upon landing Box must open independently upon landing Burn through the fishing line that holds the box closed Springs open / turn box upright Rover must maneuver independently Rover must maneuver independently Detach itself from box Move forward out of box at least 2ft, and drive around for at least 10 minutes. Sense object, stop, take picture, reverse and turn, then move forward around object
DemoSat III Mission Goals 1) Box land on one of three designated sides. 2) Be the first team to have box open and rover travel out of box independently. 3) Rover navigate through terrain while taking pictures of various objects. 4) Rover maneuver around objects correctly. 5) Rover travel around for at least 10min taking at least 15 pictures.
DemoSat III Motor Right To Burn Relay Box Switches Bumper Switches Motor Enable Motor Left Wake Up PIC 2 Motor Left PIC 1 Servo Camera Power IR Sensor PIC 2 +5V WakeUp From PIC 1 Ground Camera Trigger To PIC 1 Motors Micro Controllers Turn on Servo From PIC 2 +5V Ground
DemoSat III PIC 1 Running During Flight Initialize Pins 10 Min Elapsed? Open Box Wake Up PIC 2 Run Motor Program Object Hit? Interrupt Program: Stop/Reverse Turn Camera On Servo Sweep Object Sensed? Send Signal to Motors to Stop Take Picture Delay No Yes No Yes No PIC 2 in Sleep Mode During Flight Switches Pressed
DemoSat III Before - After
DemoSat III Circuit Board
DemoSat III 3D Model
DemoSat III 3D Model Side View
DemoSat III Mass Budget Box Mass (g) Rover Foam Core IR Sensor / Servo Press Pad 195.3Camera Bracket Twin Motor GearBox Rod Frame + Bumper Momentary Switches Wheels114.4 Springs110.5Hardware Foam Padding Circuit Board HOBO Batteries205.5 Other115.4Other106.8 Total Total910.4Total924.9 Total Mass = g
DemoSat III Expenses $ $ Pulleys + Belt $ 7.05 $ 7.05 Relays $ 2.35) $ $ Battery Pack $ 7.00 $ 7.00 Copper Board $ $ Foam Board $ Total $ $ PIC $ 3.85) $ $ Switches $ 5.00) $ $ Twin Motor Gear Box $ $ Servo / IR Sensor $ Digital Camera $ 80.00) CostItem
DemoSat III Testing Pressure test Pressure test Foam did not expand but compressed under vacuum Cold test Cold test In Ice chest with dry ice for 1 ½ hours Driving on various surfaces Driving on various surfaces Box opening test Box opening test Many trials of tying box closed Drag test (picture) Drag test (picture) Drop Test Drop Test Straight fall, tumble fall, etc Full Function test Full Function test
DemoSat III Drop Tests
DemoSat III Full Function Test
DemoSat III Pictures of Mesa
DemoSat III