CIS 101 Meeting the Challenges in a Blended Learning Course
Perspectives From the Implementation Team Dr. David Sachs, Associate Dean, CSIS Prof. Nancy Lynch Hale, Chair, Technology Systems Prof. Catherine Dwyer, Course Designer Prof. Jonathan Hill, Faculty Administrator
Agenda What is CIS101? Why blended learning? Creating blended curriculum – the Course Developer’s perspective Strategic positioning and role – the Dean’s perspective Reality hits – the Chair’s perspective Adoption, acceptance, and continuing evolution – the Administrator’s perspective
Pace University Multi-campus private university Undergraduate campuses in downtown NYC and Westchester County ~2,500 students take CIS101 each year (between both campuses) One challenge is to keep curriculum consistent on campuses 33 miles apart
What is CIS 101? CIS 101 offers students an in-depth introduction to key topics in computing technology including computer concepts, computer applications, Web design and programming. Our curriculum uses the following tools to teach these concepts: Computer Applications = MS Excel Web Design=HTML Programming=JavaScript Computer Concepts= Online Learning
Why Blended Learning? Cost effective re-design mechanism Allowed smaller instructor-student ratio without huge costs – Went from classes of 72 to classes of 28 Since this is a required course, gives all Pace students a “taste” of online learning
Creating blended curriculum – Course Designer’s Perspective Challenges of Blended Learning – How to integrate online and face-to-face content? – Course can become lopsided, favoring one component or the other – Hard to keep online discussion active when class is also meeting face to face each week
Advantages of Blended Learning Online and face-to-face can complement each other Blackboard and technology serve as a platform for curriculum delivery Brings structure and organization to entire course Design assignments that weave between both elements – Internet research assignment – Iron Chef assignment
Strategic positioning – the Dean’s perspective As a core requirement for all Pace University students*, all constituent schools of the university have input into the course curriculum. Business asks for Spreadsheets English asks for PowerPoint (declined) Liberal Arts programs ask for HTML CSIS asks for Computer Programming CIS101 is great opportunity to introduce all students to technology, and creative and flexible approach has encouraged collaboration with other programs in the university CIS101 is CSIS’s most visible course; is a good ambassador for computing
Reality hits – the Chair’s Perspective Obtaining adequate lab classroom resources was a challenge Staffing 88 sections annually Keeping things under budget Assessing success for a moving target
Adoption, Acceptance, and Continuing Evolution Implementing a new curriculum Gaining faculty and student buy-in Training faculty to teach in, and maximize the use of, a blended learning class Training faculty to administer a blended learning class Training students to learn in, and utilize the tools provided, in a blended learning class
Wrap Up and Looking Back Crucial this move was made before enrollment pressures hit Showed that a large scale blended course can be successful Creative model, successful implementation and careful management have made this course a dynamic representation of technology in action CIS101 is not just face to face + online -- blended learning model proved to be greater than the sum of its parts