The Business of Sustainability Or: “10 minutes on a BSO View” Dr Andrew Toal Head of Business Services
Business services Function : to define and support implementation of the Economic and Social Strategy of the University, linked to Corporate Plan Aim : “ to become recognised as a leading UK university for the quality and range of its work in economic and social engagement and productive partnerships” Engagement: build and sustain relationships with business (e.g. ProfitNet) Assets: manage the university’s IP portfolio (support licence deals; patenting etc.) Market the University knowledge, skills and capability to industry Contact: manage a one stop shop for enquiries (the BSID Activity: Manage a host of projects – SEKE, ProfitNet, BeePurple Administer funds for commercial projects – PoC, CAF, CommercialiSE, Commercial Fellows Development Support (BDM’s) - Provide advice and support for commercial projects including business planning, bids, marketing
Engaging with business on sustainability Why engage? –The University has highly experienced academic expertise to offer –The University has high level of interest and energy around the topic –Businesses want to work with us on the issues that they are facing in meeting the sustainability challenge –There are new sources of funds and potential for industrial collaboration to support work which would otherwise go un-funded How do we go about this? –Conference shows that colleagues are already doing this –Challenge is to determine how best to grow and manage How do we maximise the opportunities? –Through taking a strategic approach by identifying markets, partnerships and collaborations to develop opportunities in which academics can and wish to engage
Many areas of opportunity – some we are already involved with (to be covered in other talks…) Sustainability of buildings : legislative changes; energy efficiency; low carbon (design; footprint); Renewable energy and energy efficiency Resource recovery and resource efficiency Sustainable development Earth, Environment, Biodiversity Funding Sources being Explored: Interreg, FP7, DFID; Dti; Carbon Trust; Seeda; WRAP, Defra; Natural England; Landfill Tax, Local Authorities …. Key Message: BSO collaborates to support project development
Examples of proof of concept & collaboration with business FIRS (Ferric Iron Remediation & Stabilisation) –electrokinetic technique for containing contaminants and preventing migration through geology –7 year license agreement with Churngold –2 year KTP programme –Further innovations developed by the academics NanoClean –Remediation technology for the treatment of contaminated water –12 month CommercialiSE funding to develop the concept Many other projects delivered /under development: compost residue treatments, biofuels, book recycling, consultancy on business land use, sustainable packaging, innovative wooden building materials…….
Conclusions School based BDMs developing a strategic approach to working with academic colleagues and engaging business through identifying markets for research, innovation and consultancy. Requires an interdisciplinary approach that uses the skills and experience across schools and faculties Supported by area based and project BDMs (ProfitNet, BSID) which identify companies or public sector partners and promotes the capabilities of the university This contributes to an improved offering to business by the university and has benefits for academic colleagues
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