NWCCU New Accreditation Process Dave James, Gail Griffin Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Phenomenal job on 2010 report submitted this year NWCCU changes in effect 2011: New Process & Time Line New Standards Momentum already in place!
March 1, Standard 1 report due Spring 2013 – Standard 1 report is expanded to include Standard 2 and there is a visit Spring 2015 – Standards 1 & 2 reports are expanded to include Standards 3 & 4 Spring 2017 – Report is expanded to include Standard 5 and there is a visit Spring 2018 – process begins again with Standard 1 report
Standard 1: Mission, Core Themes, & Expectations Standard 2: Resources & Capacity Standard 3: Planning & Implementation Standard 4: Effectiveness & Improvement Standard 5: Mission Fulfillment, Adaptation & Sustainability
The institution articulates its purpose in the form of a mission statement and identifies core themes that manifest essential elements of that mission. It defines mission fulfillment in the context of its purpose, characteristics, and expectations. Guided by that definition, it identifies an acceptable threshold or extent of mission fulfillment.
Focus: Strategic Plan Education, Research & Infrastructure Implementation Plans NSHE Master Plan Undergrad Integrated Learning Vision UNLV Academic Master Plan Chancellor’s Plan Diversity in Faculty report Nevada in 30 Years by Nevada Vision Stakeholder Group report (commissioned by NV Legislature) Brookings Mountain Megas Report Brookings Mountain Monitor reports A New Paradigm for Economic Development by the Nelson A. Rockefeller Institute of Government at University at Albany (State University of New York)
1.Student Success 2.Advance and Support Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity 3.Engagement (community, state, regional) and Inclusion
Dave James Gail Griffin