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ADMINISTERING SURVEYS Questionnaires Personal administration to groups or individuals Mail surveys Internet surveys Other technologies “Computerized experience-sampling”
ADMINISTERING SURVEYS Interviews Face-to-face interviews Telephone interviews Focus group interviews Problem: Interviewer bias
SURVEY DESIGNS TO STUDY CHANGES OVER TIME Questions Are the Same Each Time Surveyed Tracks Changes Over Time Panel Study “Two wave” “Three wave”
SAMPLING FROM A POPULATION Confidence Intervals Percentage of confidence that the true population value lies within an interval of the obtained sample Sampling error or margin of error Sample Size A larger sample size reduces the size of the confidence interval
SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Two basic techniques for sampling Probability Sampling Each member of the population has a specifiable probability of being chosen Nonprobability sampling Unknown probability of any member being chosen
SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Probability sampling Simple random sampling – equal probability Stratified random sampling – divided into subgroups (strata) and random samples are taken from each strata Cluster sampling – identify clusters and sample from the clusters
SAMPLING TECHNIQUES Nonprobability Sampling Haphazard sampling – convenience sampling Purposive sampling – sample meets predetermined criterion Quota sampling – sample reflects the numerical composition of various subgroups in the population
EVALUATING SAMPLES Representative of the population Sampling Frame - Actual population from which the sample is drawn Response Rate - % of respondents who complete Reasons for Using Convenience Samples -Less costly -Can be representative