Parts of a Research Paper FV11A8900 Academic Writing in English
Objectives What is Academic Writing Forms of academic writing (genres) Types of writing approaches Structure of a research paper Introductions - CARS
What is academic writing? Writing by scholars (you) for scholars (your peers, your teachers and your profs).
Forms of AW Arguably, everything you write in university. Most common forms: –Essays –Research papers articles, case studies, reports –Theses –Dissertations
Types of approaches DescriptiveNarrative ExpositoryPersuasive AnalyticalArgumentative Exploratory Find out more about these at: The Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University Cappelen Damm
Basic structure (IMRaD) Literature review Data collection Data analysis Image source: accessed
Intro: Create-a-Research-Space model (CaRS) Establish a territory – what exists already? SITUATION Establish a niche – what’s missing? PROBLEM Occupy the niche – how does your research fill this gap? SOLUTION
Exercise 1 2 introductions Find the 3 basic moves of the CaRS model In groups of 3 or 4, discuss what you’ve found.
Exercise 2 Go through your ’controversy’ text. Can you identify the 3 moves in the CaRS model? In pairs (work with someone you haven’t worked with before) –Briefly explain what controversy your essay is about to your partner –Show which (if any) of the 3 moves you identified. –Work together to improve your introductions.
Homework 1/4 Go to ns/intros/index.html ns/intros/index.html Read through the more specific details of CaRS Practice using the exercises (20 min)
Homework 2/4 Find a reference paper –From a peer reviewed journal (not Newsweek, New Scientist, etc.) –10-12 pages long Check the following: –Does it follow IMRaD? –Does it follow the CARS model?
Homework 3/4 Reading (textbook) 1.2A – Finding suitable sources (pg 11) and 1.2B – Reading: developing critical approaches. (pg 19) 1.11 Introductions and conclusions (pg 88) –Do exercise 4 Practice A (pg 87) – bring it with you to the next class.
Homework 4/4 Preparation for the next class... Grammar! Parts of speech. Handout is in Noppa