Communications contexts Communications 233
“Communication” zcommunis – common zcommunicare – to impart, share zcommicatus – past participle of communicare
“What does this mean?” zTot, kto ponimáyet éto polucháyem pyatyórka?
“What does this mean?”
Types of communication content zCognitive yKnowledge yOpinion yAttitude zAffective yFeeling yEmotion ySensory
Shannon-Weaver model zElements of the communications process
Heider’s P-O-X model zIntrapersonal communication
Newcomb’s ABX model zInterpersonal communication
Westley-MacLean model zMass communication.
There are at least three levels of communication zIntrapersonal zInterpersonal zMass
zBooks zNewspapers zMagazines zFilm zRecorded music Mass communications media z Radio z Television z Cable z Internet
Media support systems, auxiliary services zAdvertising zPublic Relations zWire Services zSyndicates zOther
Functions of the media zInform zEntertain zPersuade zProvide economic support zDevelop common basis of experience
Mass communications is financed by zPrivate capital investment zAdvertising zSubscription, purchases zDecoder expenditures zGovernment subsidy
Definition of mass communication zMass communications is a process in which professional communicators use mechanical media
Definition of mass communication zMass communications is a process in which professional communicators use mechanical media to disseminate messages widely, rapidly, and continuously to arouse intended meanings in large and diverse audiences in attempts to influence them in a variety of ways
Five distinct stages of mass communications: zProfessional communicators formulate messages. zMessages are disseminated via mechanical (artificial) means zMessages reach large and diverse audiences. zAudience members interpret messages as they assign meanings. zAudience members are influenced.
Communicators zLarge, unknown audience vs. known, small audience zInstitutional communications vs. person (Leads to resistance to change.) zHeterogeneous audience produces content for “the wad”
Messages zMulti-channeled vs. singularity of channels zMulti-channeled produces more “affective” communication content zIssues surrounding accuracy
Feedback zInstant in personal, delayed in mass communications zGreater quantity in personal, less in mass communications