Community Based Instruction
Hiring practices covered by ADA Ticket to Work Self-Sufficiency Program 1999 Statistics show: –People with disabilities control $175 billion in discretionary spending –They are America’s largest minority group (20%) –29% of all American families include a member with a disability:
Statistics show that employees with disabilities are highly motivated & productive 97% above average safety records 90% deliver average job performance 86% have above average attendance Every $1 spent in accommodations saves $34 in workers’ compensation, insurance and training costs (see website previous slide)
Statistics Cont. 49 million Americans with disabilities and 60% are not working Of those working, average earnings are 35% less than earnings for workers without disabilities Information from the President’s Committee on Persons with Disabilities
Vocational Training: Legal Requirements Training similar to vocational school Is to benefit trainees Regular employees are not displaced Employer derives no immediate advantage, in fact may be impeded Trainees are not entitled to employment Trainees not entitled to wages
CBVI Requirements No student may spend more than 215 hours on one job site during one school year or demonstrate independent performance for more than one session All students supervised by certified teacher or designated school personnel (“job coach”)
CBVI Cont. Data taken each day!!! –Progress toward independence –Vocations strengths and weaknesses –Needed adaptations –Compliance with labor laws and regulations (anecdotal records)
DOL Regulations No participation prior to age 14 except volunteer in non-profit organizations 14 & 15 year-olds may be trained in: office and clerical; cashier and retail shop duties; errand and delivery work 14 & 15 year-olds can also be trained in kitchen work, car cleaning, dispensing oil and gas
DOL Cont. 14 & 15 year-olds may NOT be trained in: –Manufacturing –Food processing –Commercial laundry and dry cleaning –Public messenger service –Transportation
DOL Cont. 14 & 15 year-olds may NOT be trained in: –Cooking or baking –Power driven food preparation equipment –Loading or unloading of goods from trucks or conveyors –Any warehouse occupation except office, clerical jobs
16 & 17 and Younger NO training in: –Manufacturing and storing explosives –Motor vehicle driver or outside helper –Coal mining –Logging or sawmilling –Power driven housing and metal working machines –Power driven woodworking machines
16 & 17 and Younger Cont. May NOT be trained in: Exposure to radioactive substances Slaughtering or meat packing Power driven bakery machines Power driven saws or paper product machines Wrecking, demolition, ship breaking operations Roofing, excavation operations
How are people with disabilities protected under ADA? Responsibilities of applicant & employer: –Employer may ask questions about ABILITY to perform certain tasks and may ask the applicant to describe or DEMONSTRATE how function would be performed –Employers may NOT make any pre-employment inquiries about a disability, its nature and/or severity
ADA Cont. ADA places responsibility of self- disclosure on individual with disability Issue for teachers, trainers in teaching self-advocacy Persons may explain their disability, medications, strengths, weaknesses, needed accommodations
Social Security Ticket to Work Act, 1999 Dec. 17, 1999; simply removes barriers that require people with disabilities who desire to work to choose between health care coverage and work Assists persons with disabilities to participate in workforce 2 year grace period:
Remember IEP goal(s) can include/ITP Failure is an event…not a person Assistive tech needs to be addressed, used Student eligibility only until 22 nd year