Relationship of Downscaling to CSES Integration
Downscaling Methods used in CSES Statistical Empirically relate large-scale patterns to mesoscale patterns Fast but lack details Applied to several IPCC models and scenarios Widmann Bretherton Salathé (2003) Wood et al. Physical Nested mesoscale model Computationally intensive but provide all details PNW Regional model based on MM5 Applied to NCAR-DOE PCM Simulation
Downscaling Methods Statistical Downscaling
Downscaling Methods Regional Climate Model Based on MM5 real-time system Nested Grids Nudging on outermost grid Plan to use NOAH-LSM with modifications to deep soil
Applications Hydrology-Fish-Forests-Coasts Statistical downscaling method applied to Streamflow simulations Regional Model will be applied to streamflow allowing direct comparison among several methods Links to forests, fish, and coasts Air quality Two collaborative EPA/STAR projects Seasonal hydrologic forecasting