教學媒體與教育應用 發展歷史回顧 Feb, 2005. The Field of Instructional Design and Technology  Analysis of learning and performance problem,  Design,  Development,


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Presentation transcript:

教學媒體與教育應用 發展歷史回顧 Feb, 2005

The Field of Instructional Design and Technology  Analysis of learning and performance problem,  Design,  Development,  Implementation,  Evaluation, and  Management of instructional or non- instructional resources  In educational institutes or workplaces

歷史最悠久的「教學媒體」  Teacher  Chalkboard  Textbook  以上通常不被歸類為教學媒體  Instructional (educational) media often refer to other physical means

Media Historical Timeline  1840 Photography  1920 Radio Broadcast  1936 Black-White TV  1936 Color Film  1953 Color TV  1958 VCR  1989 Macintosh II with digital sound  1989 PC with Sound Blaster  … Internet 1,500MB/sec … …………

From Early 1900s  School museums  Visual and Audiovisual instructions  Media use during World War II  Instructional television  Computer  Internet

School Museum  First in St. Louis, 1905  Exhibits, Stereographs (3-D photos)  Slides, films, etc.  Not intended to supplant teacher or textbook  Supplementary curriculum materials

Visuals and Audiovisuals  Motion picture projectors  First instructional film in 1910  With advance in radio, sound- recording, sound motion picture, visual became audiovisual (1920s- 1930s)  Great commercial interests, but lost $50 million due to Great Depression  Audiovisual continued to evolve  Dale (1946): Cone of experience

During World War II  Audiovisual movement slowed down  But extensively used in military  : 400 training films, 600 film strips produced for Army Air Force  Little time to collect hard data for evaluation, but survey showed effective  Amazed enemy (Germany)

Post World War II  Intensive research undertaken to identify principles of learning to facilitate design  Findings largely ignored  Media comparison studies usually showed students learned equally regardless of means of presentations  Scholars argued studies should focus on media attributes, examination effects, or instructional methods

Instructional Television  Tremendous growth in 1950s  Two factors: –141 Channels set aside by FCC for public service –$170 million sponsored by Ford Foundation  Interests abated in 1960, perhaps due to mediocre instructional quality  Instructional television was not widely adopted by schools. Why? –Teachers ’ resistance –Expense and maintenance –Not adequate for various conditions for learning

Computers:  Early CAI done in IBM in 1950s  1960s-1970s PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic-Teaching Operations) in Illinois  By 1970, little impact found on education  In 1980s, wide spread interest for instructional use –Less expensive –More functions  By 1983, computers used for instruction in more than 40% elementary, 75% secondary schools  By mid-1990s, still small impact, few innovations

Recent Development  Rapid advance in computer & Internet  A survey of 750 companies (1999): Training via technology from less than 6% in 1996 to more than 22% by 2000  Between and academic years, enrollment of distance learning doubled  Recent interest toward performance support

歷史上的今天 : 教育科技  數位學習國家型科技計畫 (eLearning), Taiwan –2002 起, 5 年內投入 40 億台幣 –FY1999, 擴大內需, 64 億台幣  Visions 2020, USA –Visioning exercise facilitated by Department of Commerce –14 Papers included  Survey of International Investment in ET R&D –Published 2002, Funded by the Spencer Foundation –Around the world: FY1999, US$ 16 billion in educational technology

Questions 問題與聯想  Have schools changed much? Practically due to technology.  What do we gain? With computers and networks.  Are we seeking revolution? Or simply technophile? There must be something.