EC funding EC funding
DARE Forum Development Awareness Raising and Education DEEEP is co-funded by the European Union
Youth in Action Youth in Action Europe for Citizens Europe for Citizens Non-State Actors / Local Authorities in Development € € € €
Non-State Actors / Local Authorities in Development Obj. 1: Development Projects Obj. 2: Development Education / Awareness Raising Obj. 3: Coordination
€ € Obj. 1: Development Projects Obj. 2: Development Education / Awareness Raising Obj. 3: Coordination Mio 182 NSA - 35 LA 30 Mio 25 NSA - 5 LA 4 Mio 3 NSA - 1 LA 182 Mio 152 NSA - 30 LA
Actor based programme Right of Initiative Call for Proposals
€ to € up to 3 years
Partnerships NSA LA OMS NMS cross sector
MDGs Africa Media & Development PCD Migration Trade etc HR Prioritites
Advocacy & Campaigning Global Learning
competition 400 applications 20% success rate NSA 58% success rate LA combined budget
competition 50% of applications IT, UK, GER 26% all NMS combined budget 40% of projects IT, UK, GER
Call for Full Applications Call for Concept Notes deadline 45 d deadline contracting
combined budget 2011/12 60 Mio no call in 2012
2013 ? new instruments „Global Civil Society“
? ‣ ‣ Thank you!