Solarize Me! Team 1 Kunal Muchhala Luis Rodriguez John Scott
Scenario You have recently acquired a new home and have to decide how to power it. You have recently acquired a new home and have to decide how to power it. Conventional power is already installed but as an environmentally conscious individual you also want to consider a conversion to solar power. Conventional power is already installed but as an environmentally conscious individual you also want to consider a conversion to solar power. Economic analysis will help you decide Economic analysis will help you decide
Options One option is to keep the conventional energy setup (Power from the power lines complements of Southern California Edison) One option is to keep the conventional energy setup (Power from the power lines complements of Southern California Edison) The other option is solar paneling on the roof to complement or replace purchased energy The other option is solar paneling on the roof to complement or replace purchased energy
Buy Power Pros No installation costs (already installed) No installation costs (already installed) No maintenance (Edison’s problem) No maintenance (Edison’s problem) No panels on roof (better appearance) No panels on roof (better appearance) Low weather dependence Low weather dependenceCons Higher monthly payments Higher monthly payments Blackouts Blackouts Not as “green” Not as “green”
Solarize Me! Pros Lower monthly payments Lower monthly payments Energy during blackouts Energy during blackouts Environment friendly Environment friendlyCons Installation cost Installation cost Maintenance Maintenance Panels on roof (appearance) Panels on roof (appearance) Weather dependant Weather dependant