(P)PM&E problem/issues Issues in PPM&E that need to be addressed in order to enhance our organisational performance T.K. Orgle GHANA MINISTRY OF LANDS AND FORESTRY (MLF)
(P)PM&E problem/issues Purpose: Established in to provide a framework for planning, monitoring and evaluation of Ghana’s Ministry of Lands and Forestry’s policies and programmes The organisation Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (PPMED)
(P)PM&E problem/issues Me? M&E Coordinator
(P)PM&E problem/issues My role? Supervise evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of strategies and programmes of the MLF against government policies
(P)PM&E problem/issues MLF’s Mission: To ensure the sustainable management and utilisation of Ghana’s lands, forests and wildlife resources for the socio-economic growth, poverty alleviation and development of society
(P)PM&E problem/issues Principal stakeholders: Local Communities Customary land owners Local authorities NGOs/CBOs Development partners Professional associations Judiciary Research and training institutions Private industry
(P)PM&E problem/issues Need to increase access and security to land, forest and wildlife resources on a sustainable basis Need to create an enabling environment for effective stakeholder participation To facilitate public awareness and involvement in natural resources development and management Why (P)PM&E?
(P)PM&E problem/issues Elementary – more of a control function - until recently, confined to Govt departments and agencies Community Forest Committees established in 2002 Land Administration Project (LAP - designed with participatory M & E as well as beneficiary impact assessments) initiated in Dec 2003 My involvement in (P)PM&E:
(P)PM&E problem/issues Potential benefits to MLF 1.lessons learnt from stakeholders will be fed-back into policy development and implementation so that MLF remains responsive to ever-changing national and local conditions
(P)PM&E problem/issues 2.Adopting a learning approach which recognizes that diverse experiences will be generated under different local conditions provides better support to the policy planning cycle – helping MLF achieve its goals and objectives
(P)PM&E problem/issues 3.Encourages reflection and promotes critical analysis of policy implementation by all stakeholders 4.Promotes decentralisation and self reliant development at the local level 5.Promotes local ownership of government policies and thereby the likelihood of sustained impact
(P)PM&E problem/issues Core issue to be addressed Developing practical mechanisms for involving stakeholders in policy planning and M&E data capture, processing and reporting
(P)PM&E problem/issues What have we tried? Identified 10 key stakeholder groups for (P)PM&E Involved key stakeholders in the preparation of forest management plans Involved selected stakeholders in the validation of M&E systems developed by MLF
(P)PM&E problem/issues What did not work? Haven’t succeeded in sorting out the issue of stakeholder representation – Who? Which ? How many?
(P)PM&E problem/issues Personal objectives? 1.To appreciate what represents optimum levels of participation 2.To adopt ways of involving stakeholders in M&E data capture, processing and reporting
(P)PM&E problem/issues Thank you