Physics test code Phone conference 18/2 -04 Rikard Sandström Geneva University
Purpose Need it for probing the physics in G4MICE. It gives an inventory of particles and processes. Making it a public part of G4MICE will –allow others to run the get the same results. –allow users to test their production cuts in case they need to set a different value than the defaultCutValue.
The class The class is called “MICEStepStatistics”. The “Step” is to allow other Statistics classes to be written later. If a variable in dataCards is set, “StepStatisticsOutput 1”, the SteppingAction sends the step information to this special class. By the end of the run it writes the statistics summary to a file “StepStat.out”. If the variable is not set, no statistics is collected and no file written.
Example of output (100k events) *** Statistics file, particles and processes *** * Row: 1=mu+, 2=mu-, 3=e+, 4=e-, 5=nu_mu, 6=anti_nu_mu, 7=nu_e, 8=anti_nu_e, * Row: 9=proton, 10 = neutron, 11=pi+, 12=pi-, 13=pi0, 14=kaon+, 15=kaon-, 16=kaon0, 17=gamma, 18=deuteron, 19=triton, 20=alpha, * Row: 21=Pb207, 22=Pb208, 23=C12, 24,=C13, 25=N14, 25=O16, 27=Al27 * Col: 1=Transportation, 2=MuIoni, 3=eIoni, 4=msc, 5=eBrem, 6=compt, 7=MuBrems, 8=hIoni, 9=LElastic, * Col: 10=inelastic, 11=ProtonInelastic, 12=PionPlusInelastic, 13=NeutronInelastic e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
Should we use it? The code is already written, but not in CVS. Could go in Simulation, Simulation/test or MICE/test directory. Works only so far in DetOnly mode. Could print #processes/#events instead of #processes if that is more instructive.