1 Positive Properties of Context-Free languages
2 Context-free languages are closed under: Union is context free is context-free
3 Union Example: Union grammar:
4 In general: Take any two context-free grammars with start variables The union grammar has start variable and is context-free
5 Context-free languages are closed under: Concatenation is context free is context-free
6 Concatenation Example: Concatenation grammar:
7 In general: Take any two context-free grammars with start variables The concatenation grammar has start variable and is context-free
8 Context-free languages are closed under: Star-operation is context freeis context-free
9 Star operation Example: Star grammar:
10 In general: Take any context-free grammars with start variable The concatenation grammar has start variable and is context-free
11 Negative Properties of Context-Free Languages
12 Context-free languages are not closed under: intersection is context free not necessarily context-free
13 Counter Example: Context-free: NOT context-free
14 Context-free languages are not closed under: complement is context freenot necessarily context-free
15 Counter Example: Context-free: NOT context-free
16 Intersection of Context-free languages and Regular Languages
17 The intersection of a context-free language and a regular language is a context-free language context free regular context-free
18 for NPDA DFA Construct a new NPDA machine that accepts Machine context-free regular simulates in parallel and
19 transition NPDADFA transition NPDA
20 initial state NPDADFA Initial state NPDA
21 final state final states NPDADFA final states NPDA
22 simulates in parallel and accepts stringif and only if accepts string and accepts string
23 Therefore: (since is NPDA) is context-free
24 Example Applications of Regular Closure Prove that: is context-free
25 We know: is context-free
26 is regular We also know:
27 is regular is context-free
28 Another application Prove that: is not context-free
29 context-free regularIs context-free If is context-free Then Impossible!!! Therefore, is not context free
30 Decidable Properties of Context-Free Languages
31 Membership Question: for grammar find if string
32 Membership Question: for grammar find if string Membership Algorithms: Parsers Exhaustive search parser CYKparsing algorithm
33 Empty Language Question: for grammar find if
34 Empty Language Question: for grammar find if Algorithm: Check if start variable is useless Remove useless variables
35 Infinite Language Question: for grammar find if is infinite
36 Infinite Language Question: for grammar find if is infinite Algorithm: Remove useless variables Remove unit and lambda productions Create the dependency graph for variables If there is a loop in the dependency graph the language is infinite
37 Example: Dependency graph infinite