Tabor Electronics Ltd. Hands-on Training - ArbConnection By Moti Glazer
Agenda LLearn to initialize ArbConnection LLearn how to use ArbConnection to operate the instrument PPrepare memory segments and download waveforms PPrepare pulse trains and download pulses LLearn how to use the Waveform Studio PPrepare and download tables
Invoke ArbConnection Double-Click on the ArbConnection icon
Initializing ArbConnection 2. Select an interface (optional) Check box List of detected Active Devices 3. Select the “Detect Automatically” option 1. Select the model 4. Select the “Reset Instru- ments & Panels” option 5. Press Communicate
Tip! Resetting the instrument to factory defaults is automatically done when selecting the “Reset Instruments & Panels” option
Panels Bar 1. Click on Panels icons to remove unwanted panels Some panels may appear as left from the last session Turning Outputs ON 2. Click on Channel 1 and Channel 2 2. Click on Sync State
Tips! Digital display shows the current parameter and its programming limits Darker shade LED designates the selected parameter on the display Darker shade Button designates ON position
Selecting a Std. Waveform 1. Click on STD to display the Standard Panel 2. Select “Triangle” for channel 1 3. Select “Square” for cannel 2
Tips! 1. Programmable parameters pop up as output shape is selected 2. Frequency is common to both channels
Programming the Output Frequency 2. Move the cursor to the second digit 3. Rotate the dial 4. Press Execute 1. Observe that the Freq LED is active
Programming Run Modes 2. Select the required Run Mode. Options are: Continuous, Triggered, Gated or Counted Burst 1. Click on MAIN to display the Main Panel
Tips! 1.Run modes define how and when the generator starts generating output waveforms. Standard run modes for waveform generators are: Continuous, Triggered, Gated and Counted Burst 2.The trigger source defines from where should the generator expect to receive the trigger signal. Standard trigger sources are: External generator, External software command, Internal trigger generator or Front panel button.
Programming Trigger Parameters 2. Program burst count for channels 1 and 2 1. Click on TRIG to display the Trigger Panel 3. Program internal trigger timer period
ArbConnection Programming Exercise 1.Waveforms: Channel 1 – Standard Pulse, 20% Delay, 20% Rise Time, 30% High Time, 10% fall Time Channel 2 – Standard Square, 30% Duty Cycle 2.Amplitude: Channel 1 – 3.5Vp-p Channel 2 – 2Vp-p 3.Frequency: 105kHz
Selecting Waveform Types 2. Select the required Waveform Type. Options are: Standard, Arbitrary and Sequenced 1. Click on MAIN to display the Main Panel
Programming Arbitrary Parameters 2. Program SCLK and CH2 Divider 1. Click on ARB to display the Arbitrary Panel 3. Program Sequence Advance Mode and Source 4. You may access the Waveform Studio from here
Using the Waveform Composer 1. Click on WAVE to display the waveform composer
Getting Familiar with the Waveform Composer Waveform Screen Channel & Download control Waveform edit buttons Active segment and length Waveform composer commands Horizontal and vertical scales
Creating and Downloading Waveforms 1. Click on Wave, then click on Sine 2. Click on Preview, then click on Ok 3. Click on Download
Waveform Composer Programming Exercise 1.Waveforms: Channel 1 – Arbitrary Pulse, 20% Delay, 20% Rise Time, 30% High Time, 10% fall Time Channel 2 – Arbitrary Square, 30% Duty Cycle 2.Frequency: 1kHz Remember Frequency = SCLK / # points
Using the Pulse Composer 1. Click on PULSE to display the pulse composer
Getting Familiar with the Pulse Composer Pulse train Screen Channel & Download control Current View selector Section identifier Waveform composer commands Horizontal and vertical scales
Using the Pulse Editor 1. Click on the Pulse Editor icon Section identifier Section design format Line controls Section properties Pulse design area Type in the pulse valuesType in the repeat values Click to remove the Pulse Editor
Downloading the Pulse Section 1. Click on the Download icon 2. Evaluate the Download Summary 3. Accept or Reject the download
Designing Pulses with Linear Transitions 1. Click on the Edit command 2. Click on the Append Section command Notice the new Empty section
Designing Pulses with Linear Transitions 1. Click on the Pulse Editor icon 1. Select Time/ Level Points 2. Type in the pulse values3. Type in the repeat values 4. Click to remove editor
Downloading the Pulse Train 1. Click on the Download icon 2. Evaluate the Download Summary 3. Accept or Reject the download
Use the Pulse Editor Options to define the waveform mode, memory usage and design units. Tip!
Pulse Composer Programming Exercise Design and download pulse train as follows: Channel 1 – 1us delay, 2us high time, 3us low time Pulse levels: Low = 0V; High = +2V Channel 2 – 1us delay, 0.5us rise time, 2us pulse high time, 0.5us fall time, 3us low time Pulse levels: Low = 0V; High = -1V