ID-Card and Mobile-ID Computer Security 2009 world Foundation
world foundation Since 2001 – Project to raise the number of internet users 500 free internet access point (AIP – avalik internetipunkt) Free computer training for people eKool Arvutikaitse 2009 project for safer internet & usage of ID-card and Mobile-ID
Some statistics Population: 1.35M Internet usage: 66% (during last 6 months) 50% use internet every day Internet banking: 88% 80% have ID-card (1 million valid cards) 17% uses ID-card electronically 50% don’t know any driving output of ID-card (2007) Mobile penetration: >100% Free Internet Access points
About ID-card Project started in 1997 Law on personal identification documents: Feb, 1999 Digital Signature Act: March, 2000 Government accepted plan for launching ID-card: May, 2000 First card issued: Jan 28, 2002 October 2006: th card issued
The Card “Compulsory” for all residents Contains: –Personal data file –Certificate for authentication (along with address –Certificate for digital signature
With ID-card e-Tickets e-Banking e-Taxes I-Voting(2005, 2007, 2009) e-Citizen –X-Road –Official About 150 state agences are connected via X-Road Digital signature
“ID-starter” package Package 2003: card reader manual installation CD Price ca 20 EUR Package 2007: card reader Price ca 6 EUR
Digital Signature - concepts Public sector is obliged to accept digitally signed documents Digital signature is universal –Open user group –Any relation – government, business, private
DigiDoc for end-user DigiDoc Client –Windows application 5 languages –Lets users sign, verify signatures etc DigiDoc portal – –Signing, verification, co-signing by multiple persons
Alternative eID: Mobile-ID PKI-capable SIM cards –Requires replacement of SIM Instantly ready to use –No specific software required Equal legal power and security with ID-card Launched: May 2007 Available from the major GSM operator (EMT – 40%)