Powerful Presentations Jeff Stafford Consultant OHR/OE
According to the Book of Lists, the Number 1 fear people have is … Public Speaking
The Bad News: "The ability to clearly communicate ideas to clients and colleagues is a rare skill, yet one that often makes the difference in whether or not a great concept succeeds." - William Hewlett, co-founder Hewlett-Packard The Good News: "Great speakers are not born, they’re trained." - Dale Carnegie (1921)
Role Models When you think of a really great presenter or speaker, who comes to mind? Identify the characteristics they possess that make them a great speaker.
Coping with Speech Anxiety 1.Know your audience and setting 2.Prepare your materials 3.Focus on your audience, not yourself 4.Re-label your symptoms positively 5.Avoid rigid rules
How to Structure a Persuasive Speech 1.Describe a situation 2.Give the listeners a problem 3.Offer a solution and suggest an action
Other Possible Structures 1.Present a decision to be made 2.Deliver bad news 3.Impart information
Sure Fire Strategies to Fail Read from your script Hide at the back of the room, or behind the podium Ignore time constraints Go off on tangents
Resources Websites: Presentation Skills courses offered through HR/Organizational Effectiveness Speaking Excellence website Delivery Tips Books & Articles: Ayers, J. Coping with Speech Anxiety: The Power of Positive Thinking. Communication Education, 37, Kushner, M. Successful Presentations for Dummies. IDG Books Worldwide, Mahin, L. PowerPoint Pedagogy. Focus on Teaching, June 2004.