M. Bonesini - VC TOF status M. Bonesini Sezione INFN Milano Bicocca
TOF0INSTALLATION TOF0 INSTALLATION M. Bonesini - VC Preliminary installation before Q7 (July 08) Installation in final position inside DSA
M. Bonesini - VC During data taking: one broken PMT (channel # 28, it was one of 3 discharging ones as discovered from preliminary tests at RAL after transport in June). It will be changed next weekend
TOF1 installation M. Bonesini - VC installation 9-12/12 some data taken in two short evening runs more data needed installation went smoothly also thanks to the help of many people (DL team, Andy, Willy, …)
Waiting for “GODOT” (alias the beam) limited clearly with an “electron”, “pion” beam only a limited detector debug may be done: rate effects on PMTs will not show up … but still useful if AT LEAST we may study as complete as possible detectors: it means all detector channels read-out by DAQ 5M. Bonesini - VC
Some DAQ numerology aim aim readout TOF0,TOF1, KL + 2 taggers behind KL it means 40 ch for TOF0, 28 for TOF1, 42 for KL, 4 for taggers we have enough TDC channels (3 boards: 2 Rm3, 1 MIB) delivered to MICE we have 14 FADC boards delivered to MICE from RM3 (of which at least 12 installed at RAL) proposal: 5 boards TOF0 5 boards KL (we do not equip the 2 upper PMTs) 4 boards TOF1 + taggers All this will put clearly some stress on the DAQ team 6M. Bonesini - VC
TOF requirements for next run Instead of many runs, 2 high statistics run : one with pions and one with electrons 7M. Bonesini - VC
Analysis effort Mark and Yordan are looking to last weekend runs, but some problems are hanging around (decoding, …). But some good news: we may read the data and have plots. Some very preliminary plots from Mark in the following. 8M. Bonesini - VC
Cable length calibration of TOF0/1 Cable length calibration of TOF0/1 (verbatim from Mark’s slides) Goal: 0 th order calibration of the PMTs within a plane relative to each other Method: determine a TDC for each PMT Event selection: – Single space point – Passes through reference slab Conditions for all the slabs in a plane: – Make the same Constrains TDC 1 – TDC 0 – Make the same Constrains TDC 1 + TDC 0 Next: – Improve statistics, especially in the outer slabs – Consider an FADC cut – Use e+ to calibrate the 4 planes of TOF0 and TOF1 relative to each other – Add an initial time-walk correction (large signals pass the discriminator sooner) Incorporated in G4MICE application TofCalibration Reference slab B1B0 t1t1 t0t0 M. Rayner VC 18/12/08
slab M. Rayner VC 18/12/08 Before calibration Before calibration: Deducing the TDC Data: , , , Number of events, N Mean after N – ref TDC1–TDC0 slab Mean after N slab Mean and error on the mean Constraining TDC1– TDC0… Constraining TDC1+ TDC0…
M. Rayner VC 18/12/08 After calibration: After calibration: Checking the calibration works Data: , , Number of events, N Mean after N – ref TDC1–TDC0 slab Mean after N slab Mean and error on the mean Constraining TDC1– TDC0… Constraining TDC1+ TDC0…
TOF2 status M. Bonesini - VC TOF2 counters assembled, but not still wrapped out 2. TOF2 PMTs under repair at Hamamatsu: delivery expected by mid January ARMCO steel for local PMTs shielding procured at CERN and now in house 4. final design of KL+TOF2 trolley under way 5. final design of TOF2 mechanics + local shielding done
M. Bonesini - VC CAD drawing of TOF2 mechanics + shielding
M. Bonesini - VC Conclusions TOF0 installed since June 2008 TOF1 installed since December 2008 performances seem compatible with what obtained at BTF (no time walk correction possible) TOF2 will follow soon