Closing remarks: experiment Zhangbu Xu 许长补 (BNL/USA) The International (7 th national) workshop for QCD phase transition and heavy ion collisions
LHC HI starts Luminosity upgrade: Further luminosity upgrades (pp, low-E) RHIC-II science by-passing RHIC-II project Opportunity for up- grade or 1 st EIC stage RHIC, RHIC-II, LHC-HI and EIC science share a common theme… EIC = Electron-Ion Collider; eRHIC = BNL realization by adding e beam to RHIC Steve Vigdor (AGS/RHIC Users Meeting) CSR FAIR RHICx2
Jet Quenching B. Cole, Z.B. Xu, J.Y. Jia, F. Q. Wang New data provide deeper insight
Understanding the structure of bulk QCD matter in hot and cold matter X. Wang Y. Lv, J.H. Chen, X.H. Xu
Future Detectors + - B. Cole, D.C. Zhou, R.Z. Wan, H.S. Xu, Z. Xu, X.M. Li
dE/dx after TOF cut What can we do next? Time-of-Flight (Made in China) Lepton Identification (Created by Chinese) Quarkonia (J/Psi, Upsilon) Elliptic flow and R AA QGP temperature, screening length, AdS/CFT 实验上研究极端条件下 QCD 强场的温度及其流 体力学的基本参数 CSR TOF/STAR/RHIC