Beam stability in the SPL - Proton Driver accumulator for a Neutrino Factory at CERN E.Benedetto (CERN) 21/7/09 NUFACT’09 Workshop, July ‘09
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a -Factory at CERN Introduction & motivations Stability for the 6-bunches option –Simulations & analytical considerations Resistive-wall Broad-band impedance Electron cloud Longitudinal (BB-impedance) 3-bunches option –Preliminary considerations Conclusions Acknowledgements: M. Aiba, R. Garoby, M. Martini, E. Metral, G. Rumolo,...
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Separate accumulator & compressor rings: –to adapt the SPL time structure to the target Intro: CERN SPL-Proton Driver → M. Aiba, Feasibility Study of Accumulator and Compressor for the 6- bunches SPL-based Proton Driver, CERN-AB BI (& NuFact’07) 3/1-bunches scenario option → M.Aiba, CERN-AB-Note BI (& NuFact’08) → R. Garoby, NuFact’06 6-bunches design meets the 3rd ISS requirements 4 MW proton 5 GeV, from HP-SPL
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Intro: CERN SPL-Proton Driver 6-bunches scenario (the CERN baseline) –Accumulator ring »Isochronous ( =0), no RF, ~400 s, beam frozen longitudinally to preserve p/p »6 bunches, 120 ns total bunch length –Compressor ring »rapid phase rotation in ~36 s, strong RF, large slippage factor »~2ns rms bunch extraction to the Target Fast ( <400 s) instabilities may arise in accumulator No synchrotron motion to stabilize Collective effects studies aim at: finding cures for instabilities setting limits to the machine impedance
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… EM interactions of the beam with the environment → wake-fields(t) & impedances( ) In the transverse plane: –Resistive wall (beam pipe finite resistivity) –Narrow-band resonators (RF cavities, cavity-like objects) –Broad-Band (BB) resonator (beam-pipe discontinuities) –Electron cloud In the longitudinal plane: –Narrow-band resonators (RF cavities,…) –BB resonator (kickers & other discontin) Mainly single-bunch (since neglecting narrow-band) Intro: Machine impedance PESSIMISTIC analysis: → assumed full intensity, while: → accumulation (400 s): intensity going from 0 →max
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Localized impedance source Intro: Machine impedance Analytical estimations & simulations HEADTAIL: macroparticles code → G.Rumolo, F.Zimmermann, CERN-SL-Note AP → D.Quatraro, G.Rumolo et al., Proceedings PAC’09 –Impedance few positions transfer matrix to the next one –Bunch sliced longitudinally –Each slice interacts w. impedance: leaves a wake-field behind gets a kick
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… 6-bunches Accumulator parameters Parameters designed to match: –SPL incoming beam –Compressor requirements for target Flat bunch with smooth edges → longitud SC Transverse emittance (not normalized) 3 mm mrad: → beam target → space-charge → injection foil heating Bunch length 120ns & energy spread 5 MeV → target - → M. Aiba, CERN-AB BI
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Resistive wall transverse impedance In the “classical” regime: Complex modes frequency shift: Instability rise-time: Mode m=0 is unstable, but = 8.2 ms >> 400 s Re(Z) m=0 m=1 m=2 bunch spectrum of mode m Simulations w. HEADTAIL confirm
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Electron cloud e- trapped in the bunch may contribute to instabilities e- released at the bunch tail (“trailing-edge” multipacting) can extract secondaries form the wall. Dependence on: –SEY → Surfaces coating/conditioning CERN for LHC injectors upgrade) –Longitudinal bunch profile: →Truncated tails or flat is good! –gap between bunches, intensity, transverse shape, … e-cloud should not to be an issue “Long bunch” regime: many e- oscillations in a bunch
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Broad-band transverse impedance No synchrotron motion → cfr. Beam Break Up Can be cured by introducing some tune spread: –Chromaticity –Detuning w. amplitude (octupoles) BB parameters: R t = 1 M /m Q R = 1 f R ~ c/(2 b) ~ 1GHz z
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Broad-band transverse impedance Cured by chromaticity Positive/negative values of Q’ are OK ( =0) Needed chromaticity |Q’| > 10 → Q rms ~ 0.01 for (dp/p) rms ~10 -3 Horiz. Beam size vs. # turns, for different chromaticities x (m) Q’ nat,x = Q’ x =6, -6 Q’ x =0 Q’ x =8, -8 Q’ x =10, -10 ~28 s
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… RR RtRt R -R t BB analytical estimation Q 1GHz >> 1/120ns Coasting beam formula w. peak values *~ R the most critical one Im (Z) Re (Z) ~ 9 s Approx. stability criterion: > 2 |U-jV| → Q > ~0.025 I 0 = e N b / b
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Broad-band transverse impedance Scan over impedance values (R s =1,2,3 M /m) If Q’=0 → ~28 s / Z [M /m] Q’ th > 10 x Z [M /m] Threshold proportional to Z Q’ th / Z [M /m] -1 [ s] / Z [M /m] For a given Q’, risetime inversely prop. to Z Rs
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Broad-band transverse impedance Cured with octupoles (detuning w. amplitude) Beam size is growing, then saturation Q’’ xx ~1200 (-2000 if negative polarity) needed to cure instability Q rms ~0.006 (for x ~10 mm)
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Longitudinal BB impedance Isochronous ring –No RF cavities → negligible Narrow-band impedance –Beam frozen longitudinal BB impedance → microwave instability If only 0 (=0) taken into account: –The threshold is zero –Risetime is Need to consider second order momentum compaction = (for Q’ nat ) = =0
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Longitudinal BB impedance Scan over BB shunt impedance (Q R =1, f R =1 GHz) Zl=10 k Zl=8 k Zl=6 k Zl=5 k Zl=4 k Zl=3 k Z l < 4 k → Z l /n < 4 → OK! a few easily achieved
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… 3-bunches option same bunch length, dp/p similar emittance, Q, Q’ nat Circumference ~ 1.7 x smaller N b twice as much it was =20 # turns: ~1.6 more Parameters for the 3-bunches accumulator
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… 3 bunches option: Transverse BB Natural chromaticity can cure transverse BB BB resonator: 1M /m Q=1 1GHz
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… 3-bunches: Longitudinal BB Scan over BB shunt impedance (Q R =1, f R =1 GHz) 6 k 5 k 4 k 3k Zl=2 k 1 k 0.5 k → (Zl/n) MAX ~ 3.2 OK!
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Conclusions (1/2) Stability in the P-Driver accumulator → isochronous ring The 6-bunch option is under control Space Charge → OK! it guided in definition of emittance & bunch length/shape in the design Machine impedance: –narrow-band component → negligible (no RF-cavities) –resistive wall → not an issue (long risetime) –longitudinal BB → Z l /n < 4 + error-bar (f R ) (~few Ohm easily achieved in modern machines) –transverse BB → OK! fast rising instability cured by Q (chromaticity (| |~ 1.3) or octupoles)
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… Conclusions (2/2) –transverse BB need Q ~ 0.02, → ok for tune footprint/ resonance assumed R t =1M /m → Scaling laws with higher value of BB impedance –e-cloud → not an issue (flat & long bunch → no multipacting) 3-bunches option as well seems feasible
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E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a…
E. Benedetto, NUFACT’09Beam stability in the SPL Proton Driver accumulator for a… T rev ~1 s Phase rotation: 36 turns R.Garoby, NuFact’06
Introduction: SPL-based proton driver (1) SPL=Superconducting Proton Linac SPL-based proton driver for neutrino factory –Design parameters has been determined to meet the summary of the 3rd ISS SPL-based3rd ISS (by R. Palmer) Parameter Basic valueRange Beam energy (GeV) Burst repetition rate (Hz)50 (?) Number of bunches per burst641-6(?) Bunch spacing ( s) (?) Total duration of the burst ( s) 60~ RMS bunch length (ns)~221-3 Beam power on target (MW)4- - M.Aiba, NuFact’07
SPL beam M.Aiba, poster NuFact’08 6- bunches3- bunches
M.Aiba, poster NuFact’08