Onondaga County Regional Stream Simulation Study Dan Coyle MPS Degree
OUTLINE 1. Introduction 2. Study Questions 3. Model Application 4. Results 5. Discussion
1. Introduction A) Importance of hydrology B) Water resource management C) Basic model considerations D) Develop or select model E) Simulation problem
2. Study Questions A) Literature search B) Model type selection? C) Model development? D) Continuous E) Lumped F) Conceptual models
3. Model Application A) NWIS stream selection B) User application container C) System life cycle D) Candidate models E) Base flow subtraction F) Application logic
A) NWIS stream selection Table 1. Onondaga County streams tabulation Name / USGS #AreaYearsLocationLand useComments Spafford Trib sq.mi SWRuralSmall flows Trib.#6, Below sq.mi SCRural Meadowbrook sq.mi CenterUrban Harborbrook sq.mi2001-3CenterSuburban Ley sq.mi.2002,3CenterUrbanlake back flow Onondaga Cr., Cardiff sq.mi SCRural
B) User application container MS-Excel MS-Access Arc GIS Arc View VB
C) System life cycle Problem definition Feasibility analysis Project design Construction Monitoring Analysis Control
D) Candidate models Rainfall Excess Base flow separation Rational model Storages Soil Conservation Service Curve #’s Moisture indices
F) Application logic 1) Calculate parameter averages 2) Calculate slope or store (& subtract from) contribution 3) Calculate rain / other contributions 4) Add up for flow time step 5) Check if new average period (step 1) 6) Step 2
4. Results Table 2. Overview of models Model NameParameter Average Frequency BaseflowRunOffQuickFlowPETYears /Season Monthly slope (sm) Yearlysloped line%rain11/01-10/03 Monthly store (rm)Yearlyreservoir%rain11/01-10/03 daily slope (sd)Monthlysloped line%rainSummers daily store (rd)Monthlyreservoir%rain storeSummers
Figure 11. Monthly model recharge fraction and area relational curves
Figure 8. Monthly model decay rate curves
Figure 15. Monthly slope model base slope progressions for May
Figure 36. Flow estimates from Tables 6, 8, & 10
Figure 26. Sample simulation of daily flow
5. Discussion Ease of use Versatility 50% Prediction Flow & area relation: rate & recharge Approximate PET, recharge factor yearly association Future work?
Future Shorter parameter average periods Finish winter season models Exponential storage relation? Missed key parameter association? Optimizing function Error calculation Relative average error!