School of Environment and Technology (SoET) ‘Away Day’ July 12 th 2007 Who are we and what do we do? Mari Harder (Head) Ryan Woodard (Research Fellow) Firooz Firoozmand (Business Dev. Off) Poppy Villiers-Stuart (Research Off., SD) Rob Swabey (Research Off., Waste)
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 PRIMARY DIRECTIVE: 3 rd -stream activities i.e. applied R&D / consultancy which bring in Profits Esteem for the University Links for teaching and research Interactions with wider community ‘Standard’ Teaching
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 (Around £1,500,000 in last 6 years; self-funding Group) Automotive waste Developing new products from waste (biomass, carpets, glass, plastic, wood, textiles) Development of XRF spectrometer for contamination detection Kerbside recycling scheme development Waste diversion development – Green Cones Household incentives // Behaviour change Truly SD… Values Based Indicators (project level): EU 3 rd - Stream Activities………….with R&D aspects:
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 PRIMARY DIRECTIVE: 3 rd -stream activities i.e. applied R&D / consultancy which bring in Profits Esteem for the University Links for teaching and research Interactions with wider community ‘Standard’ Teaching Published Research Consultancy Public Education & Non-standard teaching
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Sustainable Development… 3 uneven shares… Environmental Financial Social
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Automotive Waste: Separation & classification
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Automotive Waste air classifier Feedstock in ~5% non-ferrous + ferrous products <15 mm ‘fines’ metals separator mm ‘middles’ ~62% ferrous product magnetic separator shredder trommel ~25% waste SR: Shredder Residue (or ‘fluff’) to landfill =‘light’ ASR dense media plant ~5% non-ferrous product + waste = ‘heavy’ ASR >130 mm ‘oversize’
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Automotive Waste Fines (50%±5%)Middle Fraction (50%±5%) ‘Light’ SR Composition Harder et al 2004 Polypropylene 2.5% Miscellaneous 9.0% Foam 7.0% Metal 2.3% Textiles 1.4% Tyre 0.5% Other Plastic 13.5% Wood 3.5% Rubber 6.0% Wire 2.7% Too small sized to separate easily
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Automotive Waste: new products Recover more metals? Use as a fuel? …develop a thermal process…. PYROLYSIS
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Ebara Twinrec Plant ASR + Sewerage Sludge: 70/30 ~100,000 t/pa Figure taken from Ando et al, 2002 Automotive Waste
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Automotive Waste: new products Brick Material? Cement Material? Cement fuel? …only if lead contamination is not too high…. ASH or CHAR
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 XRF spectrometer – Heavy Metal Contamination Excellent for on-site investigation! Or for heterogeneous samples! Or for multiple samples for statistical analysis!
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Automotive Waste Taken from Schwager & Whiting, 2003
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 New products Propert ies Avera ge Value Typica l Range Specificat ion Melt Flow Rate Density – – Tensile Strength –3822 Elongati on –165.8 Impact Strength 12.56–207.6
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 New products: Wood fuel…without arsenic Glass…for water filtration Carpets…for insulation Mattresses??? Textiles???
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Kerbside recycling scheme development
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Kerbside recycling scheme development
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Kerbside recycling scheme development
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Kerbside recycling scheme development 2003/4Paper & card GlassPlasticsMetalsTextilesTotal % Material Present in waste % Fit to Recycle % hh covered % participation 85 % separation efficiency 65 TOTAL % of waste % Calculating ‘goodness’ of service: Best Value Indicators
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Waste arriving at Civic Amenity sites... (and/or landfill sites...)
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Waste diversion – Green Cones
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Waste diversion – Green Cones Pre Green Cone Pilot Green Cone InstalledGreen Cone Not Installed Green Cone User Groups
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Household incentives // Behaviour change
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Household incentives // Behaviour change Variations of kerbside tonnages in some Lewes rounds affiliated with specific schools
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Household incentives // Behaviour change Variation of the change in set-out rates – with the Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD)
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Public Education combined with research! House-to-house ‘tutorials’
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Public Education combined with research! Waste Awareness Campaigns Focus groups 6000 interviews
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Public Education combined with research! Training Waste Advisors (volunteers for the Council)
‘Sustainable Development Research Forum’ July 19th 2007 Published research: 12 refereed journal articles since 2001 (3 pending) 13 conference proceedings since 2001 One joint publication report with Resource Recovery Forum One commisioned report to DEFRA for input into national strategy policy
School of Environment and Technology (SoET) ‘Away Day’ July 12 th 2007 Where to now? Will now move to… School of Environment and Technology (SoET) But will be working across the School… More and more Sustainable Development (SD)… Working across the University in SD areas.... e.g. EU indicators project