Monophysite Controversy 1.Council of Ephesus (431) and its aftermath. 2.Major players: Euthyches & Dioscorus vs. Flavian & Leo 3.Council of Chalcedon, Did the councils divide or unite the church? Pope Leo the Great
Monophysite controversy The teaching of monk Eutyches: human nature of Christ was absorbed by the divine nature after the incarnation Patriarch Flavian of Constantinople opposes this view Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria supports Eutyches and deposes Flavian at the ‘Robbers’ Council’ in 449 Council of Chalcedon (451) deals with the crisis and adopts the Chalcedonian definition
Chalcedonian Definition, 451 Christ is one person in two natures –Without confusion –Without change –Without division –Without separation
Historical consequences of the councils of Ephesus & Chalcedon Persian Christians who did not accept the council of Ephesus formed Assyrian Church of the East (patriarch currently residing in Tehran, Iran) Non-Chalcedonian churches: Coptic, Ethiopian, Syrian Orthodox, Malankar Syrian, Armenian