INDUCTION MOTOR No-load and blocked rotor tests SEE 3433 MESIN ELEKTRIK INDUCTION MOTOR No-load and blocked rotor tests
NO-LOAD AND BLOCKED ROTOR TESTS Tests performed to determine the per phase equivalent circuit - conducted in SEE 3742 Equivalent to open circuit and short circuit tests in transformers
NO-LOAD AND BLOCKED ROTOR TESTS No-load test - No mechanical load applied - Machine run at rated voltage and frequency - Power and current measured T Operation at no-load, s very small
NO-LOAD AND BLOCKED ROTOR TESTS No-load test - No mechanical load applied - Machine run at rated voltage and frequency - Power and current measured Operation at no-load, s very small R2’/s >> Xm Losses is only due to rotational
NO-LOAD AND BLOCKED ROTOR TESTS No-load test INL + VNL RNL jXls jXm ZNL obtained from VNL and INL RNL obtained from measured power Therefore Xls + Xm can be calculated
NO-LOAD AND BLOCKED ROTOR TESTS - Rotor is locked or blocked (does not move, m = 0) Voltage at Frequency at reduced frequency applied so that rated current flows - Power measured
NO-LOAD AND BLOCKED ROTOR TESTS IBR X’ls X’lr + VBR Rs R’r RBR = R1+R2’ obtained from measured power,, hence R2’ determined ZBR calculated and XBR = Xls + Xlr’ can be determined Assuming Xls = Xlr’ , Xm can be calculated