What is Consciousness? What Causes Consciousness? States of Consciousness Sleep Hypnosis
Awareness of the environment and of your own mental processes The “self in the act of knowing” (Damasio)
Descartes (1600’s): the body and soul interact through the pineal gland Damasio (1999): the thalamus helps to relate signals across brain areas
Absence seizures Brain damage Automaticity
Level and type of awareness can vary Seizures Sleep Psychoactive Drugs Hypnosis
EEG pattern: theta waves (slower, higher amplitude than when awake) Relatively high awareness of environment Easy to wake
EEG pattern: spindles (rapid, low amplitude) and K complex (high amplitude) harder to wake than Stage 1
EEG pattern: delta waves (slower, higher amplitude than Stage 1) harder to wake than Stage 2
EEG pattern: increased delta waves very difficult to wake sleepwalking may occur
EEG pattern: similar to awake pattern (fast, low amplitude) partial paralysis dreaming occurs REM rebound effect
Sleep is important for growth and repair of the body (release of HGH) Learning is increased when followed by sleep
decreased awareness increased reaction time increase in accidents lowered immune system
increased suggestibility focused awareness variable susceptibility
State Theory Role Theory Dissociation Theory
More memories recalled, but less likely to be accurate Post-hypnotic suggestions change behavior about as much as non-hypnotic interventions Effective pain control for some