Third World Cinema: Some Strategies for Research
Gary Handman Director Media Resources Center Moffitt Library
Third World Cinema: Some Strategies for Research ReviewsReviews (journals, newspapers) Critical/ScholarlyArticlesCritical/ScholarlyArticles (journals) BooksBooks WebWeb Sites OtherOther online databases Sources for Film Scholarship and Research
Third World CinemaBooks Scholarly/authoritativeScholarly/authoritative works PopPop schlock and fan works How Do You Tell em’ apart? Author’s credentials/affiliationsAuthor’s credentials/affiliations Publisher (e.g. BFI, AFI, University Presses vs pop press)Publisher (e.g. BFI, AFI, University Presses vs pop press) Scholarly apparatus and sources: notes, bibliographies, other documentationScholarly apparatus and sources: notes, bibliographies, other documentation If they’ve been widely cited by other scholarsIf they’ve been widely cited by other scholars
Third World CinemaREVIEWS CurrentCurrent HistoricalHistorical Study/coverage of Western European film increases post-1950’s BUT... Study/coverage of Western European film increases post-1950’s BUT... 3rd World Cinema: opportunities for viewing = nearly 0 (Cultural bias / box office bias and other factors) 3rd World Cinema: opportunities for viewing = nearly 0 (Cultural bias / box office bias and other factors) Prior to the last 10 years: 3rd World cinema Prior to the last 10 years: 3rd World cinema is all but totally ignored by Western press is all but totally ignored by Western press Saaraba (Senegal, 1988)
Third World CinemaREVIEWS CurrentCurrent HistoricalHistorical Clando (Cameroon, 1996) Found in: PopularPopular & fan journals and newspapers FilmFilm studies & scholarly journals (e.g. Cineaste; Film Quarterly; Sight & Sound) WebWeb sites FanFan and enthusiast sites CommercialCommercial sites (e.g., studio sites, video distributors) OnlineOnline newspaper/journal articles (e.g. Ebert/Chicago Ebert/Chicago Sun-Times)
Third World Cinema Found in: FilmFilm studies & scholarly journals PopularPopular & fan journals and newspapers (but only occasionally) WebWeb sites (even less occasionally…except for academic and commercial databases) Critical/Scholarly Articles CurrentCurrent HistoricalHistorical
Third World Cinema Reviews Check Out
Use: MagazineMagazine Magazine Index (some full-text) NewsNews Index ProQuestProQuest (some full-text) Lexis/NexisLexis/Nexis (some full- text) MovieMovie Movie Review Query Engine (web: full-text) FilmFilm Review Annual (in MRC) Literature Index (in MRC) Third World Cinema Reviews: Current
Third World Cinema Reviews: Historical Use: ReadersReaders Guide NYNY Times Index (or NYT Film Reviews ) (in MRC) FilmFilm Review Index, (in MRC) Index International (CDROM in Main/Moffitt Only)
Scholarly/Critical Writing Use: MagazineMagazine Index (1988-present) ModernModern Modern Language Assn. Bibliography (1963-present) FilmFilm Index International (CD- ROM) Literature Index (Print Index in Media Center) (1977-present) ArtArt Abstracts ( & AA Retrospective) (1920s-present) PeriodicalsPeriodicals Content Index (PCI)
Third World CinemaBooks Use Pathfinder Use Pathfinder
Third World Cinema For Books and Articles: Search by: Title and/or Subject keywordTitle and/or Subject keyword Director Name (as title and/or subject keyword) Movie Title (as title and/or subject keyword)Director Name (as title and/or subject keyword) Movie Title (as title and/or subject keyword)
Third World Cinema The First (Most Direct) Pass... Search by: Search by: Subject Terms/Keywords Subject Terms/Keywords Subject Terms/Keywords Subject Terms/Keywords In Pathfinder: X in Motion Pictures (Women in Motion Pictures)X in Motion Pictures (Women in Motion Pictures) Motion Pictures X (Motion Pictures Iran)Motion Pictures X (Motion Pictures Iran) Kiarostami, AbbasKiarostami, Abbas
Formulate your search in terms of: KEY WORDS and SYNOMYMS: --Looks for words anywhere in record: title, subject, abstract and full-text (if avail) PHRASES: --Looks for words in the exact order entered The Next (More Complex) Pass..
How to Begin? Before you click: THINK Formulate your search in terms of keyword and key phrases... and synonyms for these: The representation of gender [sex*] and masculinity [masculin*, male, men] in the films [cinema, movie*] of John Woo. Border crossing [immigat*, emigrat*], and identity [role*, self image], as a theme in recent films by Latino and Chicano filmmakers [directors] **** Truncation varies from db to db: * # ? emigra* = emigrant, emigrants, emigrate, emigration
/MRC/FilmBibMenu.html a growing listing of bibliographies on various film topics and individual films compiled by MRC (includes bibs for genres, filmmakers, national cinemas, and individual film). Third World Cinema
…being driven totally psycho by your research? Call me: Gary Handman