Weapons of Mass Deception: The Uses of Propaganda in Bush’s War on Iraq Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber
Marketing the War The “Iraq roll-out”: Marketing the War Office of Global Communications (OGC): White House PR offensive “was created to ‘coordinate the administration’s foreign policy message and supervise America’s image abroad.’” [Wash. Post]
Marketing the War The “Iraq roll-out”: Marketing the War OGC $200 million was spent on a “PR blitz against Saddam Hussien” “aimed ‘at American and foreign audiences…’” [Times of London]
The Making of War War with Iraq was Ten Years in the making: Rendon Group: US Propaganda instrument 1) Iraqi National Congress 2) Ahmed Chalabi
The Making of War Chalabi’s history 1) Chalabi was exiled from Iraq in ) Was then educated in the US. 3) Started Petra Bank in ) Owing to some banking scandal, the Bank’s assets were later seized by the Jordanian government in “Chalabi fled the country and was tried and convicted in absentia for embezzlement.”
The Making of War Failure of INC as an dissident group in Iraq: Bad Intelligence INC made few contacts with Iraqis. Under Chalabi’s leadership, the INC focused instead on cultivating connections in Washington, on plans to privatize Iraqi assets and feeding neo-conservatives what they wanted to hear. What did Neo-Cons Want to Hear? “Iraqis will welcome United States forces liberating them…” Chabali promised in an NBC interview on March 21, 2003.
The Making of War INC distrusted by US intelligence Community: The group was widely distrusted by US military and Intelligence community. Gen. Anthony Zinni (Head of US Central Command under Clinton) referred to INC military initiatives in Iraq as a “Bay of Goats.” Reports Robert Dreyfuss: “The US intelligence community regards “the INC’s intelligence gathering abilities to be nearly nil…”
Chronicle of a War Foretold: the PNAC Project for the New American Century (PNAC) 1998 Iraqi Liberation Act: “Regime Change” Becomes US policy PNAC and 9/11:
The Information War Rendon Group and War on Terror: New work for old PR hand Office of Strategic Influence (OSI) [Pentagon] Bush prefers INC analysis over that of the CIA: Pentagon feuds with Agency.
The Information War CIA Pressured to Support War CIA was initially pressured to produce intelligence supportive of Bush’s policy objectives, and was then ultimately circumvented. CIA View of INC: CIA views INC as a fraud. “At the CIA and at the State Department… Chabali, the INC’s leader, is viewed as the ineffectual head of a self-inflated and corrupt organization skilled at lobbying and public relations, but not much else.”
The Information War CIA Pushes Back at White House “Vincent Cannistraro, a former senior CIA official and counterterrorism expert” claims “the [INC’s] intelligence isn’t reliable at all…Much of it is Propaganda. Much of it is telling the DOD what they want to hear. And much of it is used to support Chalabi’s own presidential ambitions.” (p. 52) (FN # 33)
The Information War PNAC off-shoot: Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI): Committed to Saddam overthrow regardless of WMD. CLI suggests it is independent, but is closely to Bush White House. The groups performs PR functions for the White House.
The Information War Groups perpetuate Pro-War Campaign: Benador Associates “A media-relations organization that assisted pro-war groups: helped them disseminate their message in the media.”