Nation and Memory in Eastern Europe (19 th and 20 th century) Christoph Mick Lecture 4 Russian History (only text slides) Week 5
Outline 1.Geography and Cultural Influences 2. Expansion and Westernization 3. Russia in the 19th Century 4. Views of Russia‘s Past and Present (19th c.) 5. Conclusion
Influences The Principality of Kiev Mongolian heritage – for 200 years part of a Mongolian empire (1240 – middle of the 15th c.) Byzantine heritage – Orthodox faith – Third Rome Influences of Western and Central Europe (Polish, German, Swedish, French) – 17th c. – 20th c.
Ca. 862Rurik, a semi-legendary Scandinavian warrior, establishes Rus principality 862Oleg moves capital to Kiev 988-9Grand Prince Vladimir I becomes orthodox 1169Prince Andri Bogolubski moves capital to Vladimir, near Moscow The Mongols (Tatars) under Batu Khan, invade and devastate Rus, Aleksander Nevsky defeats Sweden and – later - Teutonic Order Ca. 1271Moscow becomes capital of Grand Principality of Vladimir- Suzdal 1380Dmitri Donskoi defeats Tatars, takes title Grand Prince of Moscow
Outline 1.Geography and Cultural Influences 2. Expansion and Westernization 3. Russia in the 19th Century 4. Views of Russia‘s Past and Present (19th c.) 5. Conclusion
Geography Forests in Moscovian heartland Peripheral location Vast Russian plain Dense and viable network of rivers Spring and autumn: mud, time of immobility
Ivan III (the Great) begins annexing surrounding areas, conquers Republic of Novgorod, foundations of autocratic state, religious leaders proclaim Moscow the Third Rome (after the fall of Constantinople in 1453) 1533Ivan IV (the Terrible) calls himself tsar, expands autocracy, begins annexation of Siberia, Wars against Sveden and Poland, Conquest of Kazan and Astrachan 1589Russian Orthodox Church now copletely independent from other Orthodox Churches Times of Trouble, Polish invasion 1613Michael Romanov becomes tsar, Romanov Dynasty 1654Treaty of Pereyaslav with Cossack Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky 1667Peace Treaty of Andrusovo (confirmed and expanded in 1686) Russia gains Eastern Ukraine and Kiev from Poland 1667Raskol – Split of Orthodox Church in Official Church and Old Believers
The Gathering of the Lands of the Golden Horde After end of Mongolian Empire and defeat of successors –power vacuum in the East, filled by Moscow Conquest of Kazan and Astrachan 1555 Conquest of Kazach steppe Colonization of Siberia Subjugation of Central Asia
Moscow and the idea of the Third Rome After fall of Constantinople 1453 Moscow princes see themselves as legitimate heirs of orthodox emperor 17th – 19th centuries: several wars against Ottoman Empire Access to the Black Sea Conquest of Crimea Caucasus and Transcaucasus with orthodox Georgian nation Russian Emperor: Protector of Orthodox population in Ottoman Empire
Autocracy Greek origin: self-ruler Form of government Unlimited power held by one individual Used by Byzantine Emperor Transferred with idea of Third Rome to Moscow
The Gathering of the Lands of the Rus Conquest of Novgorod Several wars against the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth 1654 Treaty of Pereyaslav 1667 Peace Treaty of Andrusovo, West Bank Ukraine and Eastern part of Belarus join Russian Empire 1772 First Partition of Poland, Right Bank Ukraine and Western part of Belarus Russian Emperor: Protector of Orthodox population in Polish- Lithuanian commonwealth 1793/95 Second and Third Partition of Poland, eastern half of Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth goes to Russian Empire
Access to the Baltic Sea Great Northern War against Sweden Conquest of Ingermanland 1703 Foundation of St.Petersburg Integration of Estonia and Livonia Finland becomes part of the Russian Empire
Outline 1.Geography and Cultural Influences 2. Expansion and Westernization 3. Russia in the 19th Century 4. Views of Russia‘s Past and Present (19th c.) 5. Conclusion
Partitions of Poland Acquisition of eastern Georgia 1806 Conquest of Daghestan and Baku 1809 Annexation of Finland 1812 June Napoleon's invasion of Russia Congress of Vienna and Holy Alliance
Holy Alliance Inspired by Alexander I 1815 Russia, Prussia, Austria Christianity in European political life Bastion against revolution The legitimacy of established governments and territorial integrity of existing countries
1801 Acquisition of eastern Georgia 1806 Conquest of Daghestan and Baku 1809 Annexation of Finland 1812 June Napoleon's invasion of Russia Congress of Vienna and Holy Alliance Kingdom of Poland (Congress Poland) in personal union with Russia 1830/31 Polish rebellion (November uprising) 1848 Intervention in Hungary Crimean War Foreign and Imperial Policy
Autocratic rule, but Tsar and nobility were mutually dependent on each other.
1801 Sale of serfs without land prohibited Abolition of serfdom in Baltic provinces 1819 University of St. Petersburg founded 1825 Decembrist uprising 1832 Uvarov's three principles enunciated: pravoslavie, samoderzhavie narodnost´- orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality Domestic Policy
Autocracy, Orthodoxy, and Nationality/National Character (narodnost’) Count Sergey S. Uvarov, Minister for Education 1832 “narodnost’” underlines the originality and uniqueness of the Russian people, the fundamental values of Russian culture and society, as opposed to Westernization. "To turn Russians back to Russian ways", ("возвраща́ть ру́сских к ру́сскому"). Uvarov
1801 Sale of serfs without land prohibited Abolition of serfdom in Baltic provinces 1819 University of St. Petersburg founded 1825 Decembrist uprising 1832 Uvarov's three principles enunciated: autocracy, orthodoxy, nationality 1833 Code of Laws 1834 Kiev University founded Domestic Policy
Acquisition from China of Amur and Maritime provinces 1859 Surrender of Shamil; conquest of Caucasus completed 1863/64 Polish rebellion (January uprising) Conquest of central Asia 1867 Alaska sold to the United States of America Russo-Turkish War Imperial and Foreign Policy
First railway boom 1861 Feb 19 Emancipation of the serfs Law (courts) and education reform, Zemstvo instituted Populist movement To the People (V narod) Universal Military Training Act, military reforms 1879 People's Will Party – terrorism 1881 March 1 Assassination of Alexander II Domestic Policy
Major Ethnic Groups in the Russian Empire 1897 (125,640,000) Russians44.31% Ukrainians17.81% Belorussians 4.68% Poles 6.31% Jews 4.03% Other ethnic groups in the West 4.47% Ethnic groups in the North 0.42% Ethnic groups Wolga/Ural 5.85% Ethnic groups in Siberia 0.99% Ethnic groups in the Steppe 1.99% Ethnic groups in the Transcaucasus 3.53% Ethnic groups in the Caucasus 1.05% Ethnic groups in Central Asia 5.69% Diaspora groups (1.43% Germans) 1.91%
Outline 1.Geography and Cultural Influences 2. Expansion and Westernization 3. Russia in the 19th Century 4. Views of Russia‘s Past and Present (19th c.) 5. Conclusion
Discussions on Russia’s Past, Present and Future Slavophiles Unique Russian civilization Based on orthodox church, village community (mir), ancient popular assembly Superior to Western culture Support autocracy Pro emancipation of the serfs Freedom of speech and press Reforms of Peter I alienation from true Russian national character Ivan Kireyevsky, Aleksey Khomiakov, Ivan Aksakov Many slavophiles later supported Panslavic Movement Russian Nationalism Westernizers Oriented towards Western culture Adoption of Western culture and technology necessary for future of Russia Inferior to Western culture Mostly pro-constitutional, liberal, rationalistic Pro emancipation of the serfs Freedom of speech and press Reforms of Peter I basis for modernization P. Chaadayev, Aleksandr Herzen, Vissarion Belinsky Many westernizers stayed liberals, others later became socialists or political radicals
Mir, Obshchina – Peasant community 16 th c. – 1929 form of organisation in villages Corporate body with an assembly, obligations and rights Responsible for allocating the arable land to its members and for reallocating such lands periodically (size dependent on number of hands in peasant household) After abolition of serfdom – land owned jointly by the mir, not by the individual peasant Slavophiles saw it as specifically Russian form of organisation Some socialists interpreted mir as Russian version of socialism (industrialisation for Russia no precondition for socialism) Marxist socialists, liberals, modernists-nationalists saw mir as backward form of organisation – preventing innovation and amelioration in countryside Reforms of Stolypin: Creating an estate of individual, wealthy peasants
Outline 1.Geography and Cultural Influences 2. Expansion and Westernization 3. Russia in the 19th Century 4. Views of Russia‘s Past and Present (19th c.) 5. Conclusion
The Russian narrative Moscow Tsardom and the Russian Empire are the legitimate successors to the Kievian Rus (principality of Kiev) The population of the territory of the principality came under foreign rule (Lithuanian, Polish), Belarussians and Ukrainians were alienated from the Great Russians Ukrainians and Belarussians are not separate nations, they belong to the Russian Nation The Russian Empire collected the land of the Kievian Rus and liberated Belarussians and Ukrainians from foreign oppression The integration of this territory in the Russian Empire is historically necessary, legitimate and unites Ukrainians and Belarussians after several hundred years of enforced separation with their Russian brothers and sisters.