Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson Gyroscopes A brief look into gyroscope technology and products available.
Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson What is a gyroscope? The gyroscope effect was discovered in 1817 by Johann Bohnenberger and invented and named in 1852 by Léon Foucault for an experiment involving the rotation of the Earth.
Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson What is a gyroscope? “...a device for measuring or maintaining orientation,…”
Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson Gyroscope Effect Motion in a gyroscope is perpendicular to the motion of the force applied to the gyroscope, this motion is called precession.
Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson Where are they used? Aircraft autopilots rely on gyroscopes to account for changes in direction & altitude. Spacecraft rely on gyroscopes for orientation while in space. Remote control flying devices, helicopters, some hovercraft, some planes, etc. rely on gyroscopes to prevent them from flipping over or going into a spin.
How does a gyroscope work? Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson How does a gyroscope work? Angular momentum of the wheel causes the gyroscope to resist changes in orientation and angular momentum. These changes can be detected and used for directional and acceleration feedback to the operator or system.
How does a gyroscope work? Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson How does a gyroscope work? Based on the gyroscope effect. Gyroscopes can work on multiple axis. Mechanical equivalents can be substituted for one or more gyroscope components. Fluid can be used in place of mounted gimbals to suspend the gyroscope.
How does a gyroscope work? Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson How does a gyroscope work?
What type of gyroscopes are available? Technical Presentation - Erik Johnson What type of gyroscopes are available? Spinning Mass Gyro Mass spins stadily within the gyro with free movables axis (gimbals). Optical Gyroscope Laser rays reflect many times within an enclosure, any changes in orientation will be registered as changes between the moment of the laser emittance to eventual reception. Vibrating Gyroscope Determines rate of turn by a vibrating resonator and its change in vibrations from the original vibrating direction. Gas Rate Gyro Sprays gas on heated coils, when a change in direction occurs the spray is curved resulting in a change in the temperature of the coils. (Currently unpractical because of the numerous factors involved.)
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