Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Many have not heard the name Jesus God will change this situation. God is a global God with a global plan.


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Presentation transcript:

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

Many have not heard the name Jesus God will change this situation. God is a global God with a global plan and a global purpose.

The Bible has a single theme God’s plan is to bless His people and, through them, bless every people on the earth. He chose to reveal His purpose by blessing Abraham, whom he made into a great nation, Israel. Through Christ, the seed of Abraham, God offers the blessing of redemption to all peoples, both Jews and Gentiles. The blessing is to be taken to all the nations of the earth.

God will accomplish his purposes At the end of time, Christ will be exalted with the song: “Thou didst purchase for God with thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” - Revelation 5:9 So it's only a matter of when and through whom.

It’s all coming about as He promised God is at work around the world completing the big picture, bringing peoples to himself for His glory He’s enlisting his people to become co-workers with Him Catch His vision to live lives of huge significance

God has a world-sized role for every Christian in His global purpose God has blessed us not just for ourselves, but to be a blessing to the nations. God is working through people like you and me to change seemingly impossible situations and solve complex problems around the world. Jesus is the source of significant transformation – in individuals, societies and nations.

You can be a part of God’s exciting mission! We can achieve the goal of a church in every people group Beyond a church with four walls…to the living, breathing, multiplying church, the evangelical body of Christ The Good News is spreading worldwide. Where the church is planted it grows. Yet a gap remains.

The 10/40 window The gospel has not penetrated in this area of the world from 10 degrees north to forty degrees north of the equator. This is called the 10/40 window. The largest number of unreached people groups live in this region

What is an unreached people group? An 'unreached people group' is ‘the largest group within which the Gospel can spread as a church planting movement without encountering barriers of understanding or acceptance’.

India has 25% of the world’s unreached people groups 4563 distinct cultures and more than 500 languages and dialects pose a challenge for communicating the Gospel in India. The good news is that India is now among the leading countries that sends missionaries.

People-group focused missions Mission efforts focused on people-groups have proven more effective and have more lasting results. Making the gospel simple and relevant to the context of a person’s life and culture removes some of the barriers to its acceptance.

People movements The world has seen dramatic movements of whole families, clans, villages and tribes coming to Christ, rather than just individuals alone. These are dynamically multiplying movements called “people movements.”

Be a World Christian Every Christian is meant to be a World Christian, whether you’re a “goer” or a “grower”… ….whether you physically “go” and take the gospel message across physical human barriers, or “stay at home” to provide the sacrificial love, prayers, training, money, and quality of corporate life that backs the witness of those who “go.”

“What is God’s purpose for my life?” Have you ever wondered, “Is there more to life than what I am doing now?” Are you restless inside, and want to know God’s will for your life? Perspectives will help you find the answer.

Perspectives - An Overview A course that has been taught for over 20 years and has impacted the lives of over 60,000 people around the world We now have it here in Bangalore A great opportunity for you!

What is unique about this course? Perspectives gives you a multi-faceted look at the world through God’s lenses, and your place in His global plan. Biblical Perspective Historical Perspective Cultural Perspective Strategic Perspective

Biblical Perspective Perspectives makes you look at the Bible differently…not as a collection of stories but as a blueprint revealing God’s master plan for the world. Trace the golden thread that runs right from Genesis to Revelation.

Historical Perspective You will see how God has been working all through history to fulfil His plan and His promise… and how you can be a part of history in the making!

Cultural Perspective Perspectives helps you to see the world as people groups. Learn how to recognize and overcome barriers to cross-cultural communication about the Good News. Learn how to serve effectively and pray insightfully for all the peoples of the earth.

Strategic Perspective Perspectives gives you strategic action points through which God’s people have been working to bridge the gap and reach the unreached. Discover how God is achieving His plan for world evangelization. See how your gifts and resources can be used strategically used within God’s plans.

You are a part of the final phase of a historical movement! Many mission experts think that we are in the last era of missions The missionary task of establishing a church in each people group can be measured and completed

Finishing the task In Matthew 24:14, Jesus said “And this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations (ethnos, or “people groups”), and then the end will come.” The second coming of Christ awaits the fulfillment of God’s missionary task It’s up to us work with Him to finish the task!

Mission movements down the ages Paul helped the Early Church keep Jesus' Commission urgent and alive. He was gripped by the vision of unreached peoples God’s faithful people down the ages have taken the blessing to more and more people groups worldwide

Gathering momentum Missions are targeting the unreached people groups The mission field has become the sending base Korea, Brazil, Singapore, India, Indonesia and many other countries are beginning to extend the blessing they have received

Perspectives will change your life! College students, women, business people, parents, professionals... each of us have a role to play in God's global army. God can use you in mighty ways if you are obedient to His will.

Who should take this course? Every Christian should take the course. Perspectives is foundational to all Christians from any denomination.

Who will benefit from the course? Individuals seeking a deeper understanding of God Students and student fellowships Any church member over the age of 13 and under 100 Professionals and businessmen Youth, Women and Men fellowships Pastors and church workers Church elders and other church leaders Financial supporters of missions Those who pray for missionaries Missionaries on the field

Invest your time, passion and commitment Three-hour sessions over 11 consecutive Saturdays, 14 th Jan – 26 th Feb 2005 Rich reading material hours of your time per week for personal study and reflection, an investment that is well worth your effort. Short quizzes to sum up your understanding of each lesson

Get ready for action! When you get involved in God's plans, your life may never be the same. Expect changes in the way you think and make decisions, changes in the way you perceive the world.

Act now! Live your life for a purpose that’s larger than your life! Take the first step. Register for the Perspectives course. Or attend our no-obligations introductory session – we are sure you will sign up then!

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement Course Fee: Rs (individual) Rs. 1,500 (couple) Course Duration: 11 weeks Date: 14th January - March 25th, 2005 Time: 4 – 7 pm on Saturdays Venue: Campus Crusade for Christ, Lingarajapuram, Bangalore Call KC George at More details:

Perspectives on the World Christian Movement God and the world are waiting for YOU!