The LaSpec project
Cheapest(?),Fully destripped…
Still cooled:
TDR available…
Final layout…
MATS LaSpec RFQ mass separation Ions Atoms gas catcher / inverse cyclotron Ions from Super-FRS 13 m 10 m 210 m² LaSpec laser lab 55 m² annex building 6b --second floor-- MATS lab W. Nörtershäuser et al., Hyperfine Interactions 171 (2006) Previous “final” layout… *
Ground State Properties Isotope Shift (IS)Hyperfine Structure (HFS) Nuclear Spin I Magnetic Dipole Moment I Electric Quadrupole Moment Q s Hyperfine Anomaly Mean Square Charge Radii
K Cu Na
Wavelength ~ 589 – 590 nm
Na Fine structure at part per thousand level Now excite the transition with a laser...
Super zoom....line ~10 15 Hz
Ground State Properties MODEL INDEPENDENT ISOLATED STATE J, magnetic moment, Q s,
To the very neutron rich… find?..with what signature? (..using an EM probe to explore neutral particles?)
Aufmuth et al. ADNDT 37 (1987) 3
N Samarium Interpreting?
S 2n (N,Z) = B(N,Z) – B(N – 2,Z) Discontinuity of S 2n observed for Sr-Rb isotopes at N=60
S 2n (N,Z) = B(N,Z) – B(N – 2,Z) Discontinuity of S 2n observed for Sr-Rb isotopes at N=60
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Kr The NEW mass and charge radii data...
NOW we’re consistent... (also, never wrong...) (like a geophysical survey...)
Laser Spectroscopy at the LEB next door to MATS...
RFQ Spectroscopy 7 T superconducting 30 kV: Purification trap ( M/M < ): Precision trap ( M/M < ): V. Kolhinen et al., NIM A 528 (2004) 776 S. Rinta-Antila et al., PRC 70 (2004) (R) A. Jokinen et al., IJMS 251 (2006) 241 K130-accelerator + IGISOL: Mass-separated 1+ DC ion beam at 30 keV of all elements.
Both need stopped beam… Beam cooler ~100eV Fragment stopper GeV
ß-NMR LD-RIS +ν tag Coincidence and decay tagged atom/ion spec. LD-RIS Bunched beam spectroscopy At FAIR…
The IGISOL facility, JYFL Frequency (MHz) – 5000 ions per sec
To the very neutron rich… find?..with what signature?..using an EM probe to explore neutral particles?
To date; All shell closures, Sub-shell closures, N=88, Zr region, Octupole regions, Shape coexistence, Haloes??
NB: Qs 9 Li ~ Qs 11 Li !! Sanchez et al. PRL (2006) 8 Li Li Li
Protons and neutrons… Just the protons…
For the future... Guenaut et al. J.Phys.G 31 (2005) S1765
Baldrick... Guenaut et al. J.Phys.G 31 (2005) S1765
Final layout…
The IGISOL facility, JYFL Frequency (MHz) – 5000 ions per sec
Pumping in the cooler:
Niobium (improved, cw) +0.03
Summary: Plenty of atomic concerns but all for nuclear spectroscopy and all ready to go
F Charlwood K Baczynska T Eronen University of Manchester University of Birmingham University of Jyvaskyla Data from… Thanks…
I=0I≠0I≠0Prolate Frequency (MHz) Decreasingly strong prolate Yttrium J=0 – J’=1 (363nm) Increasingly oblate 95 97
Hyperfine anomaly (Ta) Differential anomaly of ~ 1% detected in both lower states; Distribution of nuclear magnetisation has changed (by a huge amount, nb Moskowitz-Lombardi)
2 2 Hyperfine anomaly: Ta Hafnium charge radii 180 Ta 181 Ta Measure the 180 Ta ground state anomaly … matter radii
Hyperfine anomaly: Lu Georg et al. Eur Phys J A3 (1998) 225 Au/Al mass