Team 9 Engineers Driving in Style Researchers and Analysts - Melvin Capistrano - Saurabh Dave - Reynaldo Curiel Summarizer - Tommy Pouncy
Background As our engineering careers progress, we will have the fortunate opportunity to contribute to society. Luckily, our contribution does not go unnoticed and as our contributions grow, it is likely our bank accounts will also grow. Where do we spend all this money? Real Estate? Bonds? Stocks? RETIREMENT?!?!? The answer is none of the above WE BUY A CHEVROLET CORVETTE!!!!!
Decisions, Decisions…. Purchase the easier to drive automatic corvette? Purchase the more sporty manual shifter corvette?
Guidelines Job – Mid level Engineer Time Period – 20 years Region – Pomona, Type – Standard Options
Resale Value Melvin is going to investigate the differences of resale value between the two scenarios. This will demonstrate the long term value of the car. Also, we will know which is better on trade ins for our Lamborghinis when we became management!
Gas Mileage Saurabh is investigating the difference between the stick and automatic as far as gas mileage. This will project the cost of operation for the car. Assume today’s gas prices of $3.00 a gallon (only the good stuff, 91 octane or better).
Maintenence Reynaldo is going to gather data on which scenario requires the maintenance. Assume maintenance will come from dealer (which will mean more than actual cost).
Here’s your FUTURE!!!