Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 1 Novel Searches for Dark Matter with Neutrino Telescopes Center for Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Nov th, 2008 Prospects for the Search for Dark Matter with Fermi Brian L. Winer The Ohio State University Fermi LAT Dark Matter and New Physics Working Group
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 2
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 3 WIMP annihilation: gamma-ray yield 200GeV mass WIMP WIMP pair annihilation gamma spectrum
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 4 Dark Matter in the gamma ray sky Milky Way Halo simulated by Taylor & Babul (2005) All-sky map of DM gamma ray emission (Baltz 2006) Only dm annihilation radiation shown…. Galactic center Milky Way halo Milky Way satellites Extragalactic sub haloes/clumps
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 5 Several Different Search Modes Search Techniqueadvantageschallenges Galactic center Good Statistics Source confusion/Diffuse background Satellites, subhalos Point sources Low background, Good source id Low statistics Milky Way halo Large statistics Galactic diffuse background Extra- galactic Large Statistics Astrophysics, galactic diffuse background Spectral linesNo astrophysical uncertainties, good source id Low statistics
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 6 Total GCR protons GCR He GCR electrons albedo protons,pbar albedo positrons albedo electrons albedo gammas. Background to all photons: Charged Particles -Rejection power: ~ γ efficiency: ~0.8
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 7 Galactic Center l Advantage: Largest Source of DM Photons l Problems: Astrophysical Sources CR Accelarators High Energy Gamma Sources Behavior at Fermi Energies?? l Initial Sensitivity Estimation ROI = 0.5 deg of GC, E > 1 GeV Truncated NFW Profile. Simulate Particle-yield (DarkSUSY) Background: Astrophysical Sources Subtracted GALPROP Represents Diffuse Background Simulate Detector Response. Consider Annihilations: (Done Individually)
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 8 Dark Matter From the Galactic Center Simple for Test Statistic. (More sophisticated TS under study) - similar - WW less sensitivity - more sensitive. Current Efforts: Optimize ROI (Plot) Understand Source Removal Need data. Optimize TS. 5 Years of Sky-Survey
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 9 Galactic Halo Analysis l Advantage: Use the large statistics of the full sky. l Challenge: Critically Dependent on Diffuse Background l Measure the sensitivity to observing a signal. ROI = R>10 o or |b|>10 o NFW Profile. Diffuse Background: GALPROP (Conv., Opt.) Simultaneous Fit to both spatial and energy distributions Mass vs 1 year of running
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 10 Galactic diffuse: conventional and optimized GALPROP model l ’conventional’ GALPROP: calibrated with locally measured electron and proton,helium spectra, as well as synchrotron emission l Optimized GALPROP: Strong, Moskalenko, Reimer, ApJ 537, 736, 2000 Strong, Moskalenko, Reimer, ApJ 613, , 2004 ConventionalOptimized
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 11 Galactic Diffuse Background: Brem l b
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 12 Galactic Diffuse Background: Neutral Pion Decay l b
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 13 Galactic Diffuse Background: Inverse Compton l b
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 14 Galactic Diffuse Background: Total l b
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 15 Galactic Halo Analysis l Advantage: Use the large statistics of the full sky. l Challenge: Critically Dependent on Diffuse Background l Measure the sensitivity to observing a signal. ROI = R>10 o or |b|>10 o NFW Profile. Diffuse Background: GALPROP (Conv., Opt.) Simultaneous Fit to both spatial and energy distributions Mass vs 1 year of running
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 16 Sensitivity for Galactic Halo Analysis Conventional Diffuse Optimized Diffuse Typical DM Photon Yields (1 year) : 1.5 x 10 4 (100 GeV/c 2 ) 3 x 10 3 (250 GeV/c 2 )
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 17 Halo Analysis: Mass Resolution Warning: Statistical Uncertainty ONLY…think of this as a “best case/Lower Limit” Current Efforts: Work on understanding Diffuse Background. Optimize ROI Understand Source Removal Optimize Fitting. SYSTEMATICS! SYSTEMATICS ! For cases where we observer a signal at 5, we can determine our mass resolution. Error bars represent the 68% CI
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 18 Search for Sub-halos l In CDM Paradigm, expect MW to contain potentially large number of sub-halos. l Sensitivity: Assumes Taylor&Babul (05) Distribution Sub-halo with Truncated NFW Profile M WIMP =100 GeV Annihilation Background: Extragalactic, Galactic Diffuse (GALPROP) Search for M sub >10 6 M O Test Statistic:.
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 19 Significance [ σ] No. of satellites Sub-halos Fermi 1-yr Fermi 5-yrs WIMP mass [GeV] * Astrophy Unc. Green: GALPOP optimized Red: GALPROP conventional Most Sub-Halos are found a high (|b|) galactic latitude. Once found an attempt can be made to extract the DM parameters. Below are the error ellipses for the case on the previous page. 99% CL 90% CL 68% CL
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 20 Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Sagittarius Dwarf Assumes 5 years of observations. Likelihood TS: Sensitivity Improves by 2-4x l Advantage: Could be DM Dominated l Disadvantage: DM Profile? l Initial Sensitivity GALPROP used for Diffuse Test Statistic: Simple: Recent: Likelihood l If NFW Profile, sens a factor of 10 less. l Other dSph (e.g. Draco) will also be studied.
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 21 Line Search Simulated detector response to δ function in energy l Advantage: ”Smoking Gun” Backgrounds from data l Challenges: Small BR <10 -3 Energy Resolution. l Initial Sensitivity Estimation ROI = Broken Annulus 20 o 15 o DM Den High but reduced background Scan through energy range Fit Background to exponential Signal Fit Double Gaussian Test Statistic: Example MC Sim. Proposed by Stoehr, et al Some recent models predict enhancements.
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 22 Line 5σ sensitivity 5 Years of Fermi Data Current Efforts: Improved event selection and energy reconstruction. Optimized ROI Need data Measure Diffuse Bkg. Optimize TS. Trials factor included for unknown source.
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 23 Summary l Fermi has many targets for the indirect DM search. Some are statistics limited. Some are sys. limited Other Modes: Cosmological WIMPS Extra Dim: KK HE Electrons l Efforts are on-going to optimize these searches. Real Data Helps! l The DM Working Group plans an intense effort in the first year of operation. We are happy finally to be in orbit !
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 24 WIMP annihilation: gamma-ray flux
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 25 Acknowledgements l E Baltz, B. Berenji, E. Bloom, J. Chiang, Y. Edmonds, G. Godfrey, P. Wang, L. Wai, J. Cohen-Tanugi(SLAC/KIPAC) l I. Moskalenko (Stanford) l A. Morselli, A. Lionetto (INFN Roma/Tor Vergata) l E. Nuss (Montpellier) l R. Hughes, A. Sander, P. Smith, B. Winer (Ohio State) l L. Bergström, T. Bringmann, J. Conrad, J. Edsjö, A. Sellerholm (Stockholm) l A. Moiseev (Goddard) l G. Bertone (Paris) l R. Johnson(Santa Cruz) l J. Ormes (Denver) l R. Rando (Padova) l A. Strong (Max-Planck) Pre-launch Estimates for GLAST Sensitivity to Dark Matter Annihilation Signals E. A. Baltz, et al JCAP, 07 (2008) 013, arXiv: v2
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 26 Parameter Space
Brian L. Winer, Ohio State University Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope CCAPP DM Workshop Page 27 Cosmological WIMPS