Argentina Adriana Berenice Soriano Trujano José Luis Spes Lara Victoria
Officially the Argentine Republic Constituted as a federation of 23 provinces and an autonomous city, Buenos Aires. Capital City: Buenos Aires Second largest country in South America and It is the eighth-largest country in the world.
GDP Per capita income (US Dollars) 2008: $14, : - Total $ billion - Per capita $15,603
GNP (Gross National Product) 2005 : 173 billion dollars - GNP per capita: 4466 dollars
Tax system In Argentina, tax revenue is collected by the Argentine government, the provinces and municipal authorities. The tax system is structured on the basis of dues levied on income, wealth and consumption. NATIONAL TAXATION: The Federal Administration of Public Income s responsible for the taxation of income, wealth and consumption. Income Tax, Value Added Tax, Presumed Minimum Income Tax, Internal Taxation, Personal Estate Tax, and Taxes on Debits and Credits in Bank Accounts and Other Operations.
The service sector is now the leading component of the Argentine economy. In 1999, it accounted for 64 percent of GDP. Much of the growth in the service sector has been the result of the economic liberalizations of the 1980s and 1990s. Several key sectors, including telecommunications and financial services, have seen dramatic expansions as foreign companies have invested in these areas, and there has been an increase in domestic consumer demand. Service Sector
Child labor is Prohibited. Workers should be Insured. All workers are entitled to retire at age 65 (men) and 60 (women). All workers are entitled to NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE. Labor Laws
Argentina has a good infrastructure system in comparison with other Latin American nations, The nation has 215,434 kilometers (133,870 miles) of roads, including 734 kilometers (456 miles) of expressways or highways, but only 63,553 kilometers (39,492 miles) of the country's roads are paved. For instance, the United States has provided US$7 million and the World Bank provided US$450 million for highway construction. Infraestructure
Argentina has 10,950 kilometers (6,804 miles) of navigable waterways. There are 1,359 airports in Argentina, although only 142 have paved runways. Buenos Aires has 2 major airports. The first, Ezeiza International Airport, is the main point of arrival and departure for most international flights. Infraestructure