A short “physical” self introduction I’m Naotaka Naganawa from Nagoya University. I’d been working for emulsion development and compatibility between it and lead or other materials for about 5 years. Last year I succeeded the sheeting machine from my colleagues and established the flow of emulsion handling at Tono scanning lab. At the same time, I was working on “location” of neutrino event. Dec.2008 and the beginning of this year, I stayed at LNGS for brick handling shift. Now my colleagues and I simplified procedures of emulsion handling as we present here. And now I’m ready to enjoy decay analysis. I’m really enjoying this good collaboration in OPERA with you. Thank you …
Improvement /simplification on Emulsion handling before scanning Team (Ishiguro + Naganawa + Nakatsuka) N. Naganawa for breaking into Decay Analysis
Packing and Shipping of Developed films from LNGS Current flow of emulsion handling before scanning Quality checking Sheeting CS scanning ECC scanning Order checking (details explained later…)
Till now, for 2008’s RUN, 687 CS doublets arrived and they were all sheeted. And 337 ECCs arrived, 263 of them were sheeted. We’ve been doing this with organizing shifts. And now it’s time for decay search. We wanted to reduce the number of shifters and increase the number of people moving onto decay search. So we improved/simplified these procedures and made it Possible.
Packing and Shipping of Developed films from LNGS Current flow of emulsion handling before scanning Nakatsuka’s talk Ishiguro’s talk Quality checking Sheeting CS scanning ECC scanning Order checking
Packing and sending from LNGS A trial of new method for saving time and better quality
Previous way Tipical problem… Separator bends. Fold a separator. Put a film between it. Put them into a card holder. Separator: made of PP, mat treated surface on one side.
New trial With this way, separator does not bend. We don’t fold separators this time. Just put a film between 2 separators. Bind up and fix them. Repeat that and pile them up.
H.Rokujo putting into a box
As a result,… Packing time : 30min / brick 15min / brick Quality : separator not bending.
Self Introduction Nakatsuka Yuji 4 th grade student of Nagoya University I Joined to F laboratory last spring, So, learning way of experiment, emulsion handling, CS manual checking, SCAN BACK, and shift of SCANNING, decay searching. I now mainly doing emulsion handling. Yorosiku Onegaisimasu.
Improvement on Quality and Order Check Nakatsuka Yuji F laboratory Nagoya University Aim: Check Quality of CS and ECC to find problems for smoothly SCANNING. Philosophy: In order to make time for analysis, improve process as simpler.
Film arrival →Set films into a rack with the ID number card. Confirm the ID of CS/ECC ID number card
Stabilization of the thickness Set Racks into Shelf. →Leave them for more than 4 hours. Thickness stabilized in the humidity of the room.
Checking Point of Film ☆ Check problem for scanning ○X-ray mark position ○damage ●light leak ●defect ●glycerin drop....etc
Checking Point of Film ☆ Check problem for scanning ○X-ray mark position ○damage ●light leak ●defect ●glycerin drop....etc CS X-ray ECC X-ray
Checking Sheet Check especially the part where track may exist.
Thickness Check (by weight checking) Check weight of film to know thickness of film.(39~45μm) No Sheeting for abnormal thickness film. Weight-thickness relation
Order check Order check of emulsion plates inside ECC; By use ECC X-ray, check structure of films and leads of ECC. Measure distance ⇔
Minimum Order Check method ☆ If only needed, only minimum plates. Plates for VOLUME SCAN:5~10 plates Some plates around the one which the track stop at by SCAN BACK: ~5 plates Reducing number of checking plates as keep quality.
Summary ●Prepare film for sheeting that has no problem to SCAN. ●We have to trying to simplify and good method, deciding as keep close contact with other teams. ●We want to do analysis about decay searching. So shorten time of working and number of person,but as keep quality.
ISHIGURO KATSUMI 4th grade of Nagoya, F Have done with Manual check,ScanBack ・・・ all work from film arrival to decay analysis ・ I’am doing EM work, Today,talk Sheeting
Sheeting Speaker Ishiguro Naganawa Nakatsuka Team in Flab
able to lock-on Decay analysis philosophy ・ Sheeting speed improve without quality down
CS sheeting ECC sheeting ・ Scan till edge ・ Quick PL change with Plate changer ・ keep film in order Meaning of sheeting ・ Scan till edge +
sheeting machine Built by Hoshino Kazuyama Oya ( ) Main tape Side tape Film on belt Improved by Ishiguro nakatsuka naganawa
ECC sheeting CS sheeting ID sheet, cut after sheeted Completed figure
Solve d problem Sidetape dancingMachine eat film and film bend Speed and quality down Needed one more person
Stabilize side tapeStop motor automatically solved guide side tape and arms sensor with Hg tumbling switch built by ishiguro nakatsua () Higher speed + No fail Enabled 1 man sheeting
25min with 2person ⇒ 10min 1person + achieved higher quality ・ speed up 1ECC 15CS 8ECC 12CS Daily work hour×human/day ⇒ 1.5 hour×human /day Save 6hour×human / day Improvement pastnow
・ We can finish all EM work of 8E CC and 12 CS/day, continuously Ordercheck save 1.5h qualitycheck save 3.5h sheeting save 6h summary } save 11h ・ human/ day able to lock-on Decay search. 16hour×human/day ⇒5 hour ・ human/Day
Comment on quality of developed emulsion Most of emulsion was good for scanning in our lab. The only crucial problem we had recently was …. In November and December we received 17 bricks with emulsion which were thin by about 10 micron from usual ones. This was because of the mixing problem of glycerin solution which happened 1 time, but this problem was already fixed by developing team. N. Naganawa
Overall Summary Preparation of film before scanning consists of packing and shipping developed films, quality and order checking, and sheeting. The only crucial problem we had in emulsion quality was that of thin films which was understood as the result of mixing problem of glycerin solution at LNGS and this problem was already fixed by developing group. Up to now, 687 CS doublets arrived and they were all sheeted. And 337 ECCs arrived, 263 of them were sheeted. N. Naganawa Those procedures were improved/simplified with keeping their quality. Now they are quick enough that we can follow right after the beam exposure. Much more, we could reduce the amount of job to 1/3, and the number of people. And became to be able to go on to Decay search.