June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 “Towards a Unified Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure for Grid Services: Implementing an Enhanced OCSP Service Provider into GT4” Jesús Luna G. Manel Medina L. Oscar Manso C. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Departament d’Arquitectura de Computadors
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Agenda –Motivation –Background –Objective –Proof of concept –Related work –Future work
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Motivation
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Grid Services Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA): Service orientation to virtualize resources -> everything is a service. A standard substrate: the Grid service. Standard interfaces (OGSI) and behaviors that address key distributed system issues: naming, service state, lifetime, notification. Grid service = Web service + OGSA + OGSI Grid services are moving from eScience to eBusiness.
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Oracle’s Use of Grid Technology* Use Grid technology to build better products –Oracle Database 10g Enhanced scalability, relocation, & distributed SQL Max database size -> 8 exabytes –Oracle Application Server 10g Already based on J2EE/Web Services Extending to include OGSI yields powerful capabilities Improves scalability and flexibility Increases in both scalability and efficiency Improves competitiveness of existing products “Open Grid Services Architecture: A tutorial”. Foster, Ian.
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Oracle Grid Product Offerings Oracle Database 10g –Transportable tables –Distributed SQL –Managed using OGSI- compliant interfaces(?) Oracle Application Server 10g –Hosting for OGSI- compliant Grid services –Development environment –Application Server can be managed and configured using OGSI-compliant interfaces(?)
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Performance & Security ….but Is the traditional Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) framework ready for Grid Services?
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Background
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Pre-WS Authentication Authorization Data Management Security Common Runtime Execution Management Information Services GridFTP Web Services Components Non-WS Components Grid Resource Allocation Mgmt (Pre-WS GRAM) Monitoring & Discovery System (MDS2) C Common Libraries GT2GT2 WS Authentication Authorization Reliable File Transfer (RFT) OGSA-DAI [Tech Preview] Grid Resource Allocation Mgmt (WS GRAM) Monitoring & Discovery System (MDS4) Java WS Core CAS GT3GT3 Replica Location Service (RLS) XIO GT3GT3 Credential Management GT4GT4 Python WS Core [contribution] C WS Core Community Scheduler Framework [contribution] Delegation Service GT4GT4 Globus Toolkit
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 GT4 Container Open Source implementation of Grid Services through a WSRF Container: Custom Web Services WS-Addressing, WSRF, WS-Notification Custom WSRF Web Services GT4 WSRF Web Services WSDL, SOAP, WS-Security User Applications Registry Administration GT4 Container
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 GT4’s Use of Security Standards
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 GT4: AA Framework Delegated Proxy 2.Service Request 7.Service Response Subject 1.Proxy Initialization Grid Services WSRF Container 3.Authentication Request 4.Authentication Response 5.Authorization Request 6.Authorization Response 3a.Authentication Decision 5a.Authorization Decision 8.Proxy Destruction Container or Service AuthZ PDPs AuthZ SOAs
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Conceptual Grid Authorization Framework* –Trust Management. –Privilege Management. –Attribute Authorities. –Privilege Assignment. –Attribute Assertions Management. –Policy Management. –Authorization Context. –Authorization Server. –Enforcement Mechanisms. “Conceptual Grid Authorization Framework and Classification”, R. Baker, L. Gommans, A. McNab, M. Lorch, L. Ramakrishnan, K. Sarkar, and M. R. Thompson Global Grid Forum Working Group on Authorization Frameworks and Mechanisms. February 2003,
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Objective Improve GT4 Container’s security and performance through the integration of common AuthN and AuthZ features into a Unified Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI).
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 AA Performance and Security Delegated Proxy 2.Service Request 7.Service Response Subject 1.Proxy Initialization Grid Services WSRF Container 3.Authentication Request 4.Authentication Response 5.Authorization Request 6.Authorization Response 3a.Authentication Decision 5a.Authorization Decision 8.Proxy Destruction Container or Service AuthZ PDPs AuthZ SOAs
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Proposed Unified AAI Delegated Proxy Subject Grid Services WSRF Container Unified AAI
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Proposed Validation Policy Delegated Proxy Subject Grid Services WSRF Container Unified AAI Subject + HO AA Rules Resource + VO AA Rules VO Distributed Validation Policy
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Proposed Trust Engine Delegated Proxy Subject Grid Services WSRF Container Unified AAI VO Distributed Validation Policy T r u s t E n g i n e
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Unified AAI Proposal Delegated Proxy 4.Service Request 7.Service Response Subject 3.Proxy Initialization Grid Services WSRF Container 1.Validaton and AccreditationRequest Unified AAI 5.Accreditation Request 6.Accreditation Response 5a.Accreditation Decision 8.Proxy Destruction 2.Validation and Accreditation Response T r u s t E n g i n e
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Grid Services Authentication Challenges –X.509 Credentials life-cycle management. –Single Sign-On. –Delegation. –Identity Federation. –Trust conditions. –Privacy and anonymity. –Interoperability and extensibility. –Authentication Architecture. –Subject and Resource Authentication Policies. –Use of formal methods. –Authentication traffic.
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Grid Services Authorization Challenges –Interoperability and extensibility. –Use of formal methods. –Policy writing. –Distributed Policy Management. –Subject-side and Resource-side Authorization Rules. –Authorization Architecture and Performance. –Authorization Assertion's security. –Fine grain Authorization for Grid Services Operations (portTypes) and Service Data Elements (SDE). –Session-based Authorization. –Conditional Replies.
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Proof of concept: An Enhanced OCSP Service Provider for GT4
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Why OCSP in Grids? Used to provide near real-time certificate status for Grid relying parties. Avoid burden of managing local CRLs at Grid clients. May allow support for Proxy Certificates revocation. OCSP Service requirements for Grids: discoverable, fault tolerant and low latency. OCSP support not implemented into GT4. Grids need to define an OCSP Policy (GGF CAOPS-WG).
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 CertiVeR Enhanced OCSP Service Provider Distributed architecture. May work as Trusted or Authorized Responder. Able to parse customized OCSP Response Extensions, which may include AuthZ related information. Supports Proxy Certificate Revocation
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Adding OCSP support to GT4 CertiVeR OCSP Java API integrated into CoG’s ProxyPathValidator class. Same CoG class used into Java WS Core. First the EEC chain is built by the client… …then is sent to validation in a single OCSP Request and… Finally is received again in a single OCSP Response. Fully compliant with RFC2560.
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Related Work
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Akenti (Berkeley Lab): –Not exactly an AAI. –Manages distributed AuthZ. –Pre-WS Grid integration in progress. PERMIS (UE Funded Project): –AuthZ based on Attributes Certificates. –AuthN agnostic. –Recently integrating with GT4 and SAML. Shibboleth (Internet2/IBM): –Designed for Web Services. –Supports interinstitutional AA based on existing security schemes. –Delivers user’s privacy through anonymity. –GridShib in progress (NSF). Cardea (NASA): –Designed for NASA’s Information Power Grid. –Uses XACML. –Manages distributed AuthZ. VOMS: –AuthZ is established by enforcing agreements between Resource Providers (RP) and VOs. –Information about user rights at a RP is defined in Extended ACL and depends on his VO membership. –Uses GSI AuthN and delegation mechanisms. –Based on DataGrid and DataTAG frameworks.
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Future Work and Conclusions
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 OCSP and GT4 OCSP Policy fine-tuning to balance Security and Performance (signed Responses, use of nonces, etc.). Enable full Proxy Certificate Revocation support with any of two mechanisms: 1.Sending the Proxy Cert into the OCSP Request ->Depends on OCSP Service Provider. 2.Without sending the Proxy Cert into the OCSP Request -> Any OCSP Service Provider. To be included into next release of GT4. Work in Progress: “OCSP Requirements for Grids” with CAOPS-WG into GGF.
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Validation Policy: –Full definition based on Unified AA Framework. –Move to XACML? –Build upon ETSI’s Signature Policy concept? Unified AAI: –SAML adoption for GT4 interoperability (callouts). –Fault tolerant architecture. Trust Engine: –Distributed Validation Policy evaluation and management (maybe with a parallel paradigm?). –Use CertiVeR’s enhanced Responses to convey signed evidence and thus optimize evaluation process. Traditional Web Services (non WSRF-based) can also make use of the Unified AAI. Unified AAI: next steps
June 30th, 2005EuroPKI2005 Moltes mercès!