Coach Rhonda Victoor Overwhelmed to empowered leading my career… leading my community!
Coach Rhonda Victoor Overwhelmed to empowered leading my career… leading my community!
it’s your journey… who’s behind the wheel?
STRENGTH WEAKNESS gloriously average }
STRENGTH WEAKNESS gloriously average
STRENGTH WEAKNESS gloriously average excellence
I can… drive my career!
mine one gem
When are you really engaged at work? When does time fly by?
How might you spend more time playing to your strengths at work? Where might you seek it out?
celebrate your strengths
I can… drive my community!
principle - Sunjay Nath
What’s missing in our campus community? What might I contribute? What small shifts can we make to build community?
So… why bother?
Why should I bother making the effort to drive my career and lead my community? What’s in it for me?
gem into action!
these books & CDs available here today or at
I CAN… drive my career and community!