From Text to Hypertext Assessment A: Presented by Ali Ali Panagiotis Panagiotis Rajinder Rajinder
The media is an extension of our central nervous system
What is New Media? What is it? What is it? It basically means New Media It basically means New Media A new field that includes all forms of computer enhanced communication Through the following A new field that includes all forms of computer enhanced communication Through the following Web sites Web sites s s Cd-roms Cd-roms DVD DVD Streaming Audio and Video Streaming Audio and Video Computer animations Computer animations Internet Internet Digital television Digital television All or part of media extensions All or part of media extensions
Old Media What is it? What is it? A term that is often associated with traditional media through the following A term that is often associated with traditional media through the following Television Television Radio Radio Newspapers Newspapers Old printing press Old printing press Books Books Were and still are part of media extension but was not realised Were and still are part of media extension but was not realised
The Theory Marshall Mcluhan Marshall Mcluhan Marshall had a theory or a main idea which was called medium is the message Marshall had a theory or a main idea which was called medium is the message A mediums real message is the message within its self but the media that has influence over society A mediums real message is the message within its self but the media that has influence over society Medium is the massage, meaning that media influences us completely in personal and social matters Medium is the massage, meaning that media influences us completely in personal and social matters He also wrote about hot and cool categories in media divisions He also wrote about hot and cool categories in media divisions Hot media has a low participation due to their high resolution Hot media has a low participation due to their high resolution Cool media is high in participation but low in resolution Cool media is high in participation but low in resolution
The Theory Marshall saw every thing as an extension to our self Marshall saw every thing as an extension to our self With media communication which made a particular sense bigger With media communication which made a particular sense bigger As clothes an extension to our skin As clothes an extension to our skin T.V as part of our sight T.V as part of our sight Music as part of our hearing Music as part of our hearing His other theory “Global Village” explained the ability of electronic media to unify the human race His other theory “Global Village” explained the ability of electronic media to unify the human race This is true to this day through sms texting and the internet This is true to this day through sms texting and the internet
Bibliography DEFINITIONS OF NEW MEDIA: DEFINITIONS OF NEW MEDIA: DEFINITIONS OF OLD MEDIA: DEFINITIONS OF OLD MEDIA: a a IMAGES TAKEN FROM: IMAGES TAKEN FROM: Mclhhan,M.(1964): Understanding Media.New York:Mentor Mclhhan,M.(1964): Understanding Media.New York:Mentor Mcluhan,M. And Q. Fiore (1967): The Medium is the massage. New York:Bantam Mcluhan,M. And Q. Fiore (1967): The Medium is the massage. New York:Bantam