NF-149 A New Fungicide for Control of Powdery Mildew IR-4 Food Use Workshop Tampa
NF-149 NF-149 is a new fungicide for control of a wide range of powdery mildews on various crops New chemical discovered by Nippon Soda Co. Ltd. No cross resistance to existing powdery mildew products –Biochemical MOA not yet defined Common name:cyflufenamid
NF-149 Powdery Mildew on Grapes
NF-149 Powdery Mildew on Apples
NF-149 Powdery Mildew on Cucurbits
NF-149 Effect of Cyflufenamid Against Powdery Mildews on Various Crops (greenhouse screening, minimum inhibitory concentration)
NF-149 Effect of Cyflufenamid Against a Powdery Mildew Strain Resistant to other Commercial Fungicides (greenhouse screening, minimum inhibitory concentration)
NF-149 Currently registered in Japan, Korea, and the several EU countries –Cereals, fruiting vegetables, pome fruit, stone fruit –Favorable toxicological, e-fate, and eco-tox profile Data Submission to US EPA Planned for 2008 Initial US formulation: 10% SC Low Use Rate:12.5 to 25 grams a.i./hectare (0.011 to lb a.i./A or 1.7 to 3.4 oz form./A) Planned crops for the US: grapes ; 3 day PHI pome fruit ;14 day PHI cucurbits ; 0 day PHI strawberries ; 0 day PHI
NF-149 Other potential US uses include:stone fruit fruiting vegetables leafy vegetables cole crops hops cane berries grains ornamentals