Starting a Hispanic Program: Pinnacles and Pitfalls Diana Hunter Assistant Dean, Marketing School of Continuing Education Utah Valley State College
Find your sole mate Group tasks Choose a scribe, spokesperson, on-task, participating
180 seconds Most important details to address if starting a Hispanic program 15 second reports
What did I do? Informal surveys Hispanic acquaintances Hispanic community leaders Businesses with Hispanic clientele Interviews Directors of multicultural or Hispanic centers School principals Government leaders
Conclusions of research Teachers and registration personnel should be native Spanish-speakers Overwhelming need for ESL Offer certificate of completion for courses Offer courses to improve job skills Don’t try to mix too many cultures, such as Pacific Islanders, Asians and Hispanics
Marketing Decisions Program title: Centro Hispano Includes all Spanish-speakers Already a Centro Latino nearby Brochure name: Adelante Location Historic Catholic church building for sale Neighborhood support
60 seconds What would you do differently or similarly?
Off to a great start Classes started 3 Locations Publicity Committed teachers Dollars Grants Awards
How we got there Marketing Promotion Community support
Marketing Advertising Spanish newspapers Paginas Amarillas Elementary schools Libraries Hispanic owned businesses Businesses with Hispanic clientele Teachers Use giveaways to get mailing list Direct calling Brochures
Promotion Americanos Smithsonian art exhibit Fairs and community events Free publicity Politicians Apply for and win grants and awards
Community support Community network Neighborhood support Fundraising group Hispanic advisory group
120 seconds What more would you do to market a Hispanic program?
The rest of the story Fundraising New president Staff Support Current program
180 seconds What are the future needs of Hispanics? What is the future of Hispanic programs?
Demographic Changes Total Population Increase 188% - Hispanic Origin 213% - Asian 71% - African American 7% - Non-Hispanic White
Conclusion 1-3 words on your overall impression of this workshop
Starting a Hispanic Program: Pinnacles and Pitfalls Diana Hunter Assistant Dean, Marketing School of Continuing Education Utah Valley State College