LoST discussion Oct. 11, 2011 Henning Schulzrinne
urn:nena:service:sos.psap What happens if accessed from outside (“local”) ESInet? May violate “same result regardless of where you start” principle! What if multiple ESInets are interconnected? What happens if source & name-based routing are both used? – Always require both names?
urn:nena:sos.responder What happens if accessed from outside ESInet? Distributed across all ESInets?
Starting point If a resolver has no cached mappings, should it be allowed to contact a tree node directly? In other words, should we configure resolvers to start at a non-forest guide node. Why or why not? Should be able to start at any location. – Including “local” authoritative server that refers “up”. – May distribute load. – Maybe good second option in case FG is unreachable.
Validation: findServiceResponse Currently: indicates which elements are good/bad/indifferent Extensions: – per-element options (Centreville, Centerville, Center Villa) – complete alternatives How would non-human recipient judge which one is correct? Large number of permutations Any experience with auto-correction? – Based on typos? – Changes in municipality names? Should there be a web interface for humans instead?