Ministry of Defence Sweden Sweden – From Conscription to All Voluntary Forces Vienna
Ministry of Defence Sweden Government Bill “A Usable Defence” (2009) The Armed Forces of today are not deployable here and now Only 1 out of 3 units can be deployed within 1 year A distinction is made between national units and units for international missions Units for international missions form no part of the national organisation, and are dissolved after the mission is completed The system for providing military personnel was designed for the Cold War scenarios – not for the tasks of today
Ministry of Defence Sweden Aims for the defence policy All units should be available and usable “here and now” (maximum of one week for national operations, six months for international operations) All units should be deployable for both national and international operations All units become either standing units and reserve units. Reservists will form majority of soldiers in the Army. Units should be modular and possible to combine to manage different tasks in different levels of conflict
Ministry of Defence Sweden Changes in legislation regarding conscription from 1 July 2010 Obligation to complete military or civilian service will only applied by decision of the government When activated, the obligation should also apply to women Conscripts – men and women – will still have an obligation to participate in an annual survey to determine theirs suitability for service. If needed – they can be called up for service.
Ministry of Defence Sweden New system for voluntary basic training A new voluntary three-month basic military training will be fully implemented 2012 Recruits receive a monthly tax-free compensation After basic training, recruits can be employed as soldiers/seamen or reservists. Other options: Home Guard or Officers’ training
Ministry of Defence Sweden Final Report from the Total Defence Service Commission 2009: A comparison between the efficiency of compulsory and volunteer systems in producing 3,000 soldiers ready for active service Training modelCosts (SEK millions) Compulsary system3,488 Volunteer system1,441 Cost ratio2,4
Ministry of Defence Sweden New legislation on Employment of Military Personell Proposals from the Committee on Employment of Military Personnel : New legislation possible 2012 A “collective agreement” between unions and the AF reached May 2010, regarding fulltime serving soldiers and sailors, making employment periods up to 8+4 years possible
Ministry of Defence Sweden Proposals from the Committee on Employment of Military Personnel Fulltime serving soldiers/sailors employed up to 8+4 years (before: 2 years) Reservists employed up to 8+8 years (before: conscripts) Reservists serve up to ~20 % in the Armed Forces Right for reservists to take leave from civilian jobs to serve in the Armed Forces