Space-time Lego Willem Westra And Stefan Zohren
Our goal Find a theory of Gravity for very, very small scales Einstein’s theory of gravity: works well for big things such as stars and planets Small scales: Quantum Mechanics...
The big stuff: Gravity Einstein’s theory of general relativity, 1918
Gravity: curvature of space-time Matter curves space-time Curved space-time tells matter how to move Gravity = Geometry
The small: Quantum mechanics Schrödinger’s equation, 1927
Quantum Mechanics Everything that can happen... does happen What we see is the stuff that is most probable to happen
big + small gravity + quantum curved space-time + probability
Curved space + quantum Task: count all possible curved space-times Compute the most probable ones Solution: build space time from little “Lego blocks” Count the number of ways the Lego blocks can be put together
1+1 dimensional space times One dimension of space One dimension of time Simplest Lego blocks: triangles Task: count the number of ways one can glue triangles together
Counting the triangles N NN
N N+1
An example
Splitting the universe N N+1 N
The standard equation N N+1 N
Missing a move? N N+1 N