NWO/EW+/NCF DAS-3 A world-appealing demo for a light path connected grid infrastructure Henk van der Vorst-NWO Physical Sciences (EW) Patrick Aerts-NCF National Computing Facilities Foundation
NWO/EW+/NCF NWO/EWDAS-3NCF –The DAS-3 project was co-funded by NWO-EW and NCF –By EW in support of Computer Science instrumentation –By NCF in support of the development of grid-based infrastructures –DAS-3 project management successfully convinced EW and NCF that their project could serve both purposes and add value to both
NWO/EW+/NCF Points of view from the Research Organisation –Grids are in their infancy->ICT research and development topic –Middleware development -> Public interest –Experiments in Computer Science domain –Added value through Light Path connections –Demonstrator –Grids are applicable tools->Basis for wide area ICT infrastructure –All major wide area ICT infrastructures to be based on grid technology –“Readily” applicable –Higher return in investment for grid resources
NWO/EW+/NCF International demonstrator –Significant international interest in switched light path technology –The Netherlands are an excellent experimental garden –Not only for the networking technology –But now also for grid-technology –Task to the DAS-3 project management: consider the potential for valorisation from the very start of the project
NWO/EW+/NCF Profiling the Netherlands –DAS-3 fits the goals for profiling the Netherlands as an serious investor in support of facilitating (e-) Science and –As an attractive partner for ICT research. –Examples that support this picture are: –VL-e, Bricks, LOFAR+ Blue Gene, NBIC/Genomics, BIGGRID, TERAS/ASTER and Huygens, Gigaport/SURFnet, …
NWO/EW+/NCF DAS-3 and DEISA –Whereas DAS-3 is the distributed supercomputer of ASCI, –DEISA is the distributed supercomputer of Europe –(DEISA=Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputer Applications) – –How can the DAS-3 project results benefit to the European SC- infrastructure?
NWO/EW+/NCF DAS-3 and SIRENE –Whereas DAS-3 is a Dutch project –SIRENE is a cooperation between EST, Let, Lit, F, SE, N, Dk, Ire, NL, B, (L), At and H, focussed on grid cooperation and sharing grid resources sirene.eugrid.eu –How can DAS-3 set an outstanding example to grid- infrastructures (as the goals of SIRENE describe)?
NWO/EW+/NCF DAS-3 and BIGGRID –Don’t think BIGGRID is the BIG grid and DAS-3 is the small grid –BIGGRID will be BIG and eventually encompass DAS-3 as one of the resources, but –BIGGRID yet has to determine its technology and middleware basis; –BIGGRID is to learn from the experimental mixture of DAS-3 local and computer science use with general purpose grid usage by “third parties”; –BIGGRID has yet to learn from light path usage experiments in DAS-3; -The DAS-3 project is ahead of BIGGRID in terms of starting date and organisation; -BIGGRID will be successful, but yet has to grow BIG
NWO/EW+/NCF DAS-3 and SUCCESS –DAS-3 is born success prone: –It will address lots of ambitious sciences cases; –The applicants have well established track records; –It will be demonstrated that computer science and computational science are adjacent fields indeed and are well able to cross fertilise each other; –The researchers involved are eager as never before to show their funding is well deserved as –Their scope lies beyond “3”
NWO/EW+/NCF On behalf of NWO-EW and NCF Congratulations